Sweet Dreams

Rushing forwards, but this time focusing on his foot placement much more and also reducing his speed slightly, Xavier jumped onto the fence before pouncing towards the window.

But this time he paused for a split second upon landing on the fence to perfect the timing and be able to produce enough explosive power to jump high enough.

And with inches to spare, he was able to comfortably get a grip on the window with his right hand, since his left hand was still in a cast.

"I did it!" Xavier celebrated to himself quietly as he hung from the window with one hand before prying it open and crawling inside.

It was a tighter fit than he had previously imagined and maybe it was because he had put on a few pounds of muscle, but he managed to get in, tumbling into Zack's bathroom.

Creeping, trying to make the least amount of noise possible, he headed to Zack's room and opened the door as gently as he could.