Eddie Roft Part 1

Only taking the time to catch his breath, drink some water and grab a snack, Xavier was on the move most of the day, and even with his great stamina, it was hard not to feel fatigued.

At that point, he was basically dragging his feet along from how heavy they felt, but he still kept going and had managed to visit quite a lot of the places and people that he had listed out with Zack.

However, despite that, he was yet to accomplish even one of his objectives.

Of course, Xavier wasn't satisfied with how much he had managed to get done in the day, but it was just luck with what he was doing, and he wanted to be thorough and completely sure before recruiting anybody.

Especially when it came to the logistics team that he was building around Zack.

They were there to support him and aid the gang from afar, and although quite early, he wanted to recruit a lawyer and accountant that had official licenses to represent them.