Second Day of Teaching (1) - 34

Getting up in the morning, I washed, made sure my appearance was that of Akimitsu's with a mirror, draped my witch's clothes over the top, and then left, without putting on my mask.

It was 5:00, and I was now going to start setting the foundations for my plan to stop Primrose's descent into despair.

'She should be finding the secret reading spot today.'

You see, in the first few weeks of staying at the L, Primrose had spent a lot of time trying to find a secluded area to study and read her books.

According to the original novel, today was the day that she found it.

It was the peak of one of the mountains shouldering the Western Mountain.

She would get to it by noticing that there was some stone behind the clouds that covered the tops of the mountain. Out of curiosity, she would use space magic to teleport over and find a circle of wooden benches, magically enhanced to withstand the harsh elements.

Designating this spot as her new study spot, she, being the genius that she was, would inscribe a permanent magic circle into the ground around the circle of benches, creating a barrier that blocked the elements, turning the spot into the perfect studying spot.

Later, she would personalize it by adding accessories and such, making the space even better for studying.

As I was also an avid reader, I had drooled over the description of the place in the book when I first read it.

'Now, the question is, should I get there before, when, or after Primrose finds it?'

I decided to ponder this whilst climbing the Western Mountain, as time was ticking.


Reaching the library, I stopped and put my kusarigama away.

I sat down on a stone bench outside the library and waited.

During the climb, I had decided to find it at the same time as Primrose.

So, I just sat there until she showed up.


It was only a few minutes before I saw two familiar figures walking up to the library.

'Oh, now this is interesting. It seems like Marabelle either has the same idea as me, or she's after something else.'

"Yo, guys! Funny meeting you here."

Hearing this, they both turned in my direction, but, where Primrose had a confused expression, Marabelle had a surprised one.

"Do you know who this is?" Asked Primrose, turning to Marabelle.

"Yeah, he's the other guy that sat in the back row with us the other day and was also the guy that got a tiny crow for his spiritual beast."

"Really! Are you sure?"

"Yeah, although he doesn't have his mask on, those red eyes and that snow white hair is really distinguishable."

"Oh, with those features, I thought he'd be more handsome under the mask, but he's really... forgettable, if that's the best word to describe it."

"Yeah, he's really... forgettable?"

I was a little suspicious of how she ended that sentence, but decided to ignore it for now.

"Hey! Don't look down on my spiritual beast, and its a raven, not a crow!" I yelled in the background, trying to make them aware of me again.

"Who cares, but what are you doing here?"

"I'm just trying to find a place to study. I mean, I tried the library, but for some reason, I need good scenery to do my best work."

"Oh, I thought the same."


"So are you guys trying to find a spot to study too?"

"Yeah, we've both been looking for one with each other for the past few days."

'So she's getting actively involved with Primrose, makes me wonder, why?'

"I mean, I can infer that you've probably looked up here already because of your requirements, so why are you looking again?"

"Well, we're just double checking all of the places we've searched again, in case we missed something."

"Sounds fun, can I join in?"

"Yeah, sure..."

'Seems like they don't like me, but who cares! :)'

Getting off the bench, I joined in on their search.


After 30 minutes of searching, Primrose called out to us.

"Hey guys! I found something!"

We both walked over to Primrose, smiling on the inside, as she had found it.

"It seems like there are some man-made structures over there!"

"Want to check it out?" Asked Marabelle.

"Sure, but do you guys have the space stigma?"

"I do."

"I can get there."

"Alright, so let's go."

They both used a simple teleportation spell, which could only be used when there were no obstacles blocking the teleport, and only for a short distance, to get to the other peak, but, while Primrose had to say the incantation, Marabelle just teleported suddenly.

As for me, I just transformed into a raven with a snap and flew over the abyss, into the clouds, to reach the opposite peak.

Landing as I transformed back, I looked at the surprised looks on their faces.

"What, are you guys blood supremacists?"



"Then what are you staring for? I mean, with how smart you guys are, you should know the powers of the demonic stigmas by now, right?"

"Yeah, it was just cool to see one in action with my eyes for the first time." Said Primrose, trying to downplay their staring.

Although, I was pretty sure that Marabelle was staring because of my unexpected proficiency with the stigma, well, that was just how it was.

They both awkwardly turned around and said something about searching the place.

After we went around and made sure that everything was okay, Marabelle and I helped Primrose create the magic circle that protected the space, so that it was as if a house was covering the area, and then we all left, as school was starting for them, and as for me, I had to get to the training room early to get ready.

"Why?" you might ask, well, it was because the first student I was going to be teaching today, was the protagonist, Ryker Constantine.


So, the same cousin decided to draw full sketches of Primrose, with and without the witch clothes, so here they are.

The pics are in the paragraph comment.

P.S. They're really amazing!