The Shadows (2) - 38

This morning, when I woke up, I immediately noticed that something was wrong.

'Hmm, that's surprising. I thought it would be Anna, but it's actually Ryker. Seems like he's making his move earlier than I thought.'

I could already tell that there were abnormal traces of time type mana in my room, probably the remnants of the setting of a trap.

I slowly sat up in my bed, searching around with my antimagic.

Feeling the presence of a lot of time type mana in my doorway, I quickly assaulted the trap with my antimagic, dispersing it.

After searching the rest of the room and finding that it was safe, I quickly washed up before heading towards the top of the western mountain.

Transforming into a crow and flying over to the study spot, I noticed that Marabelle was already there.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too. So we're just waiting on Primrose right?"


An awkward silence descended on us.

"So... what classes are you taking?"

"Well, just all the core classes and a few extra electives, all the ones that Primrose has. How about you?"

"Just 6 classes, mostly stuff that I'm interested in."

"None of the core classes I presume?"

"Yeah, already tested out of all those except for math."

"You probably have it today right?"

"Yeah, but it's not until the afternoon, so I'll be joining ya'll in class today, as it's weapons day, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but what weapon are you going to choose? I mean, those kusarigama are too iconic now."

"You'll find out."


Another awkward silence.

"Hi, Marabelle!"

Primrose suddenly teleported into the study spot.

"Hi, Prim!"

The girls started talking happily with each other, making me feel extremely left out.

"Yo guys, you know I'm here too, right?"

They fell silent, looked at me in unison, and then started talking with each other again.

'Whatever, I'll just read.'

I took a book out of my watch, sat down, and started reading.

After a while, I looked up again.

The girls were sitting at a table, papers everywhere, as they quietly discussed their work with each other.

"Hey guys, it's time for class."

"Wait a sec, we're trying to solve this last problem." One of them muttered under their breath.

"What subject?"


"Oh, let me take a look at it."

"But you're bad at math."

"Who the heck said that?"

"Uhh, Marabelle, she says it's the only subject you weren't able to skip a grade in."

Hearing this, I smiled a big smile.

"My, my, did you accidently mistake what I said?"

"What, that you were able to test out of all your subjects except for your math class?"

"Yah, you guys are mistaking a big thing, I tested out of every, single, class, meaning I tested out of them past Class 6. As for math, I'm taking Class 6: LinCal."

This completely shut them up as they both stared at me with amazed faces, a hint of reverence was shown in both of their eyes, as they were intellectuals after all.

"You're... smart?"

My smile completely disappeared off my face.

'Do I really look that dumb?'

"You know, I'm really offended right now."

"So, what math class is that homework for?"

"I-it's Class 4: PreCal, we're both stuck on this last question."

"Give it here."

Primrose walked over and handed the homework into my open hand.

'Really? It's literally just finding a limit, oh wait, no, it's actually not that simple.'

"Does your teacher like to trick their students or something?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, this is Class 5: Calc stuff."

"Oh, really? But it's just a limit."

"But both the top and the bottom approach infinity when you solve the limit, so you have to use L'Hôspital's rule to solve it, which requires taking the derivitive, which you guys haven't learned yet."

I proceeded to procure a pen and solve the problem.

"Oh, it's even harder, you have to do multiple chain rules for both the top and bottom equation."

Finally finishing it, I took the limit again and it looked like both the top and bottom approached infinity.

"And you have to use L'Hôpital's rule twice, are you sure your guy's teacher didn't accidently switch problems with another class or something?"


"Well, here's the answer."

"Because the bottom approached infinity whilst the top approaches an integer, the whole thing approaches zero."

"I also wrote all my work down, so look over it if you have the chance."

Handing them the paper back, I took a look at my watch.

"Well, shit, we're late for class."

"What do you mean? We still have 5 minutes."

"And how are we getting down this giant mountain in 5 minutes."

"Easy." They both replied at the same time, before disappearing from my sight.

I was froze, stunned for a bit, as my mind processed what had just happened.

"Mother fuckers!" I cursed under my breath.

"And I was just gonna give you a ride down." Said a voice behind my back.

"It's not nice to call little girls like us mother fuckers, you know?"

"Whatever, just help me go down."

"Well, this is only because you helped so much on that last problem."

Primrose proceeded to grab my shoulders from behind me, and then the world blurred, before we found ourselves in front of the door leading to our homeroom.

"Quickly, there's only one minute left."

As I entered the class with Primrose, I noticed that that Marabelle was already sitting in the back row with a frown on her face.

'Yeah, take that, she actually went back to help me.'

Primrose and I walked to the back row and sat on either side of Marabelle, filling three of the four seats in the window side of the back row, with none of us sitting in the so called "protagonist's seat" directly next to the window.

As the bell rung at exactly 9:00, Ms. Krenshaw walked into the room.

"Good morning class!"

"Good morning Ms. Krenshaw!"

"So, I know that you all are excited for the first class today, so let's get right to it."

After taking role, where she mentioned that there was an extra student in the class, but everybody was too excited so they didn't seem to notice this, she quickly left the teacher's podium and motioned for us to follow her.

We walked out of the building and went to the biggest and most used training hall in the whole school, a big facility that covered a fourth of the bottom of the Eastern mountain.

Entering the "Alley" as it was called, we followed Ms. Krenshaw before finally entering a hall where high tech training dummys were lined up against the far wall.

But, most of the student's eyes weren't on the various training features, but on the glass cases in front of us, showcasing the various weapons that we could choose to rent from the L.

"The first class today students, will be Class 1: Weapons."