The Reveal (1) - 75

"You see, I..."

And then I shut my mouth without letting out another sound as I just smiled smugly at 1.

After all, why in the nine hells would I ever reveal my methods to another person, my competitor at that? It'd probably be one of the dumbest moves that I would make in my life, considering that the other party was basically the almost perfect human, with only his lack of experience and teenage brain hindering him right now.

But, of course, to y'all, the readers, I would perfectly explain everything I did, because I know that y'all have been waiting for like a month to know, racking your tiny brains, trying to find out what I had done.

Anyways, here's the full, uncensored story from my point of view.

At the beginning, to avoid as much suspicion as possible, I had waited a while before "reluctantly" choosing the cloaks as my team's resource.

Of course, the wait had definitely been registered as suspicious on some numbers' radars, but they had probably all just put it to the back of their minds, caring more about how their own team had been able to get the good resources as their picks.

So, using this as my cover, the foundation of my plan had been set, as all the members of my team wore this cloak, distinguishing us from the rest of the teams, and making it so that most other numbers would just associate "cloaked people" with "Team 1".

Then, I went around killing as much team captains as I could, recruiting their members into my own team before dealing the final blow, as to absorb as many troops as possible.

The only reason the lackey numbers had even joined my team was due to the fact that they had nowhere else to go after their team leader died, completely eliminating them from the competition.

Finally, I found the team that I had been looking for.

You see, in the beginning, I had made sure to memorize what all the other items were that had been chosen by the other teams' captains to be the other teams' resources, and I knew that I had a high chance of getting this one resource if I searched around for long enough with my superior spatial mapping skills.

And that was the "Ever Changing Mask", a mask that had been developed by the "Federation" that could change a person's face to look like whatever they imagined.

So, after finding the team that possessed this resource, I had quickly killed the team leader without sparing the subordinates, and quickly obtained the mask.

This was the last item that I needed for my plan and back up plans, if I needed them, to work.

After I achieved this, I quickly brought Ms. Krenshaw over to my side, revealing my identity to her, causing her to fully place her trust in me.

She then switched over to my team as the rules had never stated that captains weren't able to switch teams.

This basically explained everything that had happened during that test except for the last part, where, I had somehow won even though Number 1's team had touched my flag, before I had touched their flag.

You see, this was all due to the fact that I had my future knowledge helping me.

And, using a loophole in the rules, I guaranteed myself victory, even if I wasn't able to obtain a perfect one.

I had taken a piece of red cloth from the underwear that the Minders had provided us for this mission, and had ripped it into the shape of one of the flags.

Then, I had placed the decoy flag in the vent in the staircase, taking the real flag and placing it somewhere else, somewhere that no one would have expected.

I had placed the flag on my own body.

After all, my body was technically a perfectly legal hiding place, and I had never moved the flag from my body.

I had just moved my body, but not the flag, so my actions were perfectly within the scope of the rules.

This was why I was basically guaranteed a victory, no matter what.

I had actually come up with this method after barely being able to win the last time that I had passed through this test, and it had been something that had weighed on my mind for a long time, and would have weighed on it even more... if I had remembered.

Anyways, that was basically all, I just figured out where the opponent's flag was after a while of searching, and then attained the perfect victory.

It was truly satisfying, doing something that my past self could have never done.

Now, onto the other subject that you guys might have been wondering about.

How did I manage to figure out the identity of the last victim of the portal, the traveler from the second continent?

Well, it was all due to his manners.

You see, the way the guy walked, well, it was pretty obvious to an avid reader like me.

After all, the guy walked as if he had never been in a human body before.

Of course, that was because he wasn't human!

And, "He" wasn't even a "he", "He" was actually a "They".

"They" had just been lucky/unlucky enough to be transported through the black portal to this world into a male body.

But yeah, back to the original topic, the way he walked definitely wasn't human, but I could see him improving a little as time passed, as I had checked back on him every so often when I had taken him into my team.

With all this evidence, I had been 90% sure that he had been the other "person" transported with us by the black portal and the system.

And now, after observing him in such close proximity due to the way our beds were arranged, I was certain about his identity.

He, no, "They".

Yes, "They", get it right in your mind you dumbass.

Anyways, their name was Arwyn, and they was the Crown Prince of the Elves.


Alright, a got some news for you all.

For some reason, I've been struck with major inspiration for this novel, and now know where it's gonna go for like the next 200 chaps.

It could even be the next 400 chaps, but that depends on what I think y'all want later, when that time comes.

Anyways, originally, I said that this novel was going to be about 400 chapters long, and that there would be 2-3 sequels.

Now, I was thinking about adding more chapters to this one, and making it about 700 chapters.

So, the reason for this increase in the number of chapters, I was thinking about expanding the arcs for a select few of the other worlds, probably 2, where I would go in depth into them.

Something like in "Only I Am A Reader".

And, as for this arc, I'm thinking about cutting it short, cause honestly, it's getting pretty boring to write.

There'll probably be a time skip next chapter, just warning y'all.

One final thing, to leave y'all pondering over what's about to happen in the story, cause it's kinda major.

Just know that the chapter title for this chapter, well, it'll be the chapter title for a while, encompassing a lot of his return to Esgardia.

Hehe... just some foreshadowing.