"Alva, Damian hurry up you guys go to the mental hospital. Rama's life is in danger, someone has just beat Rama to death. Luckily a nurse found him." said David with a bright red face.

"Ok sir we will be there soon. Come on, Damian." Alvaro said getting up from his seat and out of David's study followed by Damian.

Riding a motorbike, Alvaro and Damian arrive at the mental hospital where Rama is being treated.

"I think this case is quite dangerous Al!" Damian said as he quickly followed Alvaro's footsteps to the special room where Rama was being treated.

"For me Jason's problem is not too dangerous, what is dangerous is the mastermind who helps Jason. He's the mastermind of everything that happened. Jason is just a pawn." said Alvaro, stopping at a room that was guarded by several police officers.

"Good evening, captain." said one of the police officers who already knew Alvaro.

"Good evening, how is the victim?" asked Alvaro seriously.

"The Doctor just checked. The situation is very sad," replied the police officer.

"All right, I'll take a look. Remember to keep the victim tight. His life is in danger right now." Alvaro said as he opened the bedroom door and went inside followed by Damian.

Without making a sound, Alvaro and Damian approached Rama who was lying weakly on the bed.

"It's very sad, who would want to kill Mr. Rendra's family." said Alvaro with both fists clenched when he saw the condition of Rama who was seriously injured due to persecution with a blunt and sharp object.

"Have you found the insider yet?" Damian asked in a whisper.

"I don't know yet, what is certain is that that person has a grudge against Mr. Rendra." Alvaro said while thinking about something.

"What are you thinking now?" Damian asked seriously when he saw Alvaro was silent.

"I thought that I would take the victim back to the apartment, to protect him. I'm sure the victim can recognize who beat him. We will inform you that the victim is in a coma." Alvaro said with a big plan.

"I agree with your plan? but who will take care of the victim? we need someone we can trust right now." Damian said not risking losing a witness.

"Tiara who will take care of the victim. I'm sure she can take very good care of the victim. But I don't know how to persuade her. She is very stubborn." Alvaro said with a serious face.

"Who is Tiara?" Damian asked with a serious look.

"Tiara is my sister. She's a doctor, and until now she doesn't want to live with me because we always have different opinions." Alvaro said as he took his cellphone to call Tiara.

While pressing his temple Alvaro waited for his call to be received by Tiara. Not long after, Tiara's voice was heard there.

"Hello... Tiara, where are you now? in the apartment or in the hospital?" Alvaro asked with one hand on my waist.

"I'm in the apartment. What's wrong Al?" Tiara asked calmly.

"I need your strength now and maybe in the next few days will you help me?" asked Alvaro with heavy feelings.

"What help?" Tiara asked curiously.

"I want you to look after someone who is a witness in the case I'm working on." Alvaro said in a low voice.

"Not! I can't help you anymore Al. It's enough that I'm involved with all the cases you handle." Tiara said in a loud voice.

"Tiara, I'm sorry. I know it was very hard for you after Dio's death. But that happened one year ago, and I've been trying to protect Dio too. You know that very well." said Alvaro trying to explain again to Tiara that Dio's death was not his fault.

"I know you've been trying to protect Dio. But if you never involve him, surely Dio will not die, Alva." Tiara said in a muffled voice.

"Listen to me Tiara, I never involved Dio! You know that very well! Dio himself tried to help me. How can I make you understand Tiara." Alvaro said in despair.

For a while, there was no sound from Tiara.

"Tiara, do you still hear me? now just listen to me. I need you, because I know you are very familiar with the person you are going to take care of, he is Rama, the son of Mr. Rendra. You must remember it right? did you know that Rama is in a mental hospital? Now Rama's condition is critical and his life is in danger. I want you to look after Rama until I can reveal this case," said Alvaro at length.

"Ram? Mr. Rendra's son Rama? Oh Lord! why didn't you tell me Al? When did it happen? The last time I saw him was four months ago when Rama came to this city." said Tiara who lived in the city of C after the death of her lover Dio.

"Yes, that's right, Ramadhan Rendra is Mr. Rendra's son. Now his life is in danger. And I plan to bring Rama to your place so you can take care of him. I will report here if Rama is in a coma." said Alvaro telling Tiara his idea.

Tiara couldn't say anything but listen to what Alvaro said.

"How Tiara do you want to help me? although not for me but think for your friend Rama. Wasn't Rama very good to you?" Alvaro said hopefully.

Tiara took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll help you, bring Rama here so I can take care of him until your case is over." said Tiara, finally wanting to help Alvaro for Rama's friend during high school.

"Okay, tonight I will take Rama there. Please prepare everything." Alvaro said feeling very relieved.

"How's Al? does Tiara want to help you?" Damian asked with a full look.

Alvaro nodded his head, as he tucked his cell phone into his trouser pocket.

"Now I will ask the doctor who treats Rama for help and inform him that Rama is in a coma. After that, tonight we are getting ready to take Rama to city C where Tiara lives. Rama will be safe there. You wait here for our preparations to bring Rama." Alvaro said then left the room leaving Damian.