"I'm sorry Alva... I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to force you to do all that." Luna said with a guilty look looking at Alvaro's hard face.

"You don't need to apologize Luna, what you said is true. You have to think about Zenita's feelings. Even Zenita is gone you have to think about it. And you don't need to think about my feelings." Alvaro said disappointedly, releasing Luna's hand and then opening the door wide.

"Go Luna, just pretend everything that ever happened between us never happened. I decided our relationship was just work friends. I hope that after this case is over, we won't be a team again forever." Alvaro said with a hoarse voice and a hurt look.

Luna raised her face to look at Alvaro in disbelief. What Alvaro said really hurt her heart.

"What are you saying Al? are you sure about what you said??" asked Luna with a hurt feeling but couldn't do anything because it all happened because of her wish too.

"I just do what you want." Alvaro said really hurt by Luna's attitude that never thought about his feelings.

Luna straightened her back and then got up from her seat with her eyes on Alvaro.

"Alright Al, maybe we're only destined to be friends with work. Once again I'm sorry, take good care of yourself." Luna was forced to agree with Alvaro's decision for the sake of her affection for Zenita and did not want to betray her.

Still with a look not leaving Alvaro's face, Luna walked towards the door to leave immediately.

Alvaro swallowed his saliva averting his gaze when Luna stopped for a moment and looked at him with teary eyes.

"Goodbye Alva." Luna said in a low voice then left leaving all the memories she had with Alvaro.

With a hurt feeling Alvaro quickly closed the door to his room and leaned his back against the door with his eyes closed. Not long after, Alvaro's body slumped to the floor with both hands covering his face. Alvaro faintly heard the sound of suppressed crying.

Alvaro's feelings were really hurt by Luna's attitude, which saw him not as someone who was important in her life but as nothing more than a work partner.

When Alvaro slumped in sadness outside Alvaro's door, Luna also leaned against Alvaro's door with tears in her eyes. The pain that Alvaro felt she also felt it, even more so than the pain that Alvaro felt.

"I'm sorry Alvaro, I really didn't mean to hurt you. But I can't go any further with you. I have to think about the feelings of Momy and Daddy and my extended family who still miss Zenita. I don't want to hurt all of them, especially Zenita whose soil is still wet." Luna said with a tight chest reminiscing about the good times she had with Alvaro. And how she felt lonely while in the North base away from Alvaro.

After crying in her sorrow for a long time, Luna wiped her tears and immediately left Alvaro's house before it was discovered she was still there.

Arriving at the big house, Luna saw her parents gathered with her extended family.

"Luna, where are you from? I called David but David said you were home." Darries said with a look full of anxiety because only his daughter Luna was still alive.

Darries didn't want to lose his daughter again. After Zenita's death, he only felt sadness, and that sadness was felt by his entire extended family.

In the eyes of the entire Zenita family, the most friendly and spoiled girl. All feel they have lost something most precious in their extended family.

"I'm from Alvaro's house, Dad. Alvaro is currently sick, he has typhoid and must rest a lot. Maybe tonight he can't come here." said Luna while biting her lower lip feeling guilty for her extended family.

"Why don't you take him to the hospital Lun? who is taking care of Alvaro now?" asked Sofia, Luna's mother who already considered Alvaro as her son.

"Alvaro doesn't want Mom, and I can't force Alvaro except Zenita. Everything Zenita said, Alvaro couldn't refuse." said Luna while holding back tears remembering how spoiled Zenita was to everyone so that everyone could not refuse Zenita's wishes including herself who was willing to let go of her love to see Zenita happy.

"You're right Luna, but who else will pay attention to Alvaro if not us?" Sofia said then took her cellphone and immediately called Alvaro.

"Hello Alvaro." Sofia called in a soft voice.

"What's wrong Mom?" asked Alvaro still sitting leaning against the door with his face red from his fever which was getting higher.

"Luna said you had typhus and did not want to be hospitalized. Listen to Momy, Alvaro. You have to go to the hospital to get well soon." Sofia said with concern.

"I'm okay Mom, it's just Luna's anxiety. I'm fine Mom, just tired. Tonight I'll be there praying for Zenita's three days." said Alvaro hiding everything from Luna's parents.

"Don't push yourself Alvaro, you are currently sick. You don't need to hide your pain from Momy." Sofia said feeling sorry for Alvaro who was alone after being left by Zenita.

"You better rest Al. If you're sick, we're all worried too." Sofia said again while looking at Luna who was looking at her with a worried look.

"Really Mom, I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm also taking a break," said Alvaro, feeling touched by Luna's parents' attention to him.

"Alright Alva, rest and don't forget to eat a lot and take medicine." Sofia said before hanging up the call.

"Thank you Mom." Alvaro said then hung up Sofia's call. Zenita's parents' attention really melted his heart, he couldn't just let go of an existing relationship.

Alvaro took a deep breath getting up from his seat and walked limply to the bed.

With a sad feeling Alvaro threw his body on the bed and accidentally Alvaro's hand rested on the necklace that belonged to Luna that Zenita had given him.