"Just be careful Al, this time your rival is real. He has good looks, and a smile that easily melts a woman's heart." said Tiara with a smile she couldn't imagine how Alvaro would react if Damien really fell in love with Luna.

"What's wrong Tiara? what do you think? are you interested in my smile?" Damien said with a joking tone.

Tiara shook her head with a smile.

"I'm sorry Dam, I'm the type of woman who is loyal to first love." Tiara said while pushing Damien's back to hurry home.

Damien laughed then got into his car.

"Be careful on the Dam road." Tiara said while waving her hand as Damien's car started to move away.

After Damien's car disappeared from sight, Tiara took a deep breath and then went into the room to see how Rama was doing.

"I hope you get well soon Ram, I promise I will make you back to how you used to be." said Tiara with a sad feeling to see the man who had been her first love lying helpless.


Luna's house looks crowded with her big family gathering as well as friends from Zenita and her father.

They are all still in grief since Zenita's death which shocked everyone. Moreover, Zenita's death is very tragic.

"Luna?? there's your friend in front. I forgot what his name was. For sure he is Alva's friend." Darries said approaching Luna who was sitting with Sofia, his wife.

"Hurry up and meet him Lun, and ask him why he didn't come with Alvaro." Sofia said with a smile feeling a little comforted because Luna was still by her side.

"Okay Mom, I'll meet him." said Luna immediately getting up from her seat to meet Damien who had promised to come.

"Hey Luna." Damien called over to Luna who had just come out of the living room.

"Finally you came early. I thought you couldn't come." Luna said with a smile as she sat on the long chair.

"I promised you to come. No matter the obstacles, I always try to fulfill a promise. Because for me the promise is heavy. I won't make a promise if I can't from the start." Damien said with a smile.

"It's good, Dam, if you're a man who never breaks a promise." said Luna, staring at the courtyard door waiting for Alvaro to arrive.

"Are you waiting for someone other than me?" Damien asked when he saw Luna's eyes fixed on the courtyard door.

"No, I just saw a lot of people coming. They all really love Zenita." Luna said giving the right reason for Damien's question.

"I saw her like that even though I didn't get to know her. From the opinions of the people who gathered with me earlier, all of them were talking about Zenita's goodness." Damien said giving his opinion.

"Zenita is very good indeed. Besides she is beautiful she is also very friendly and spoiled. She always cares about her surroundings and often helps people who ask her for help. She's a good sister and always patient with me being stubborn." Luna said with teary eyes still missing Zenita.

"You seem to miss Zenita a lot. But you have to stay strong and don't get lost in sadness. You still have a lot of work to do. Especially making your family happy so they won't be sad for their loss." Damien said a little encouraging Luna.

"You're right Dam, I have to be strong to be able to continue with my family's life, which is currently really drowning in sadness," said Luna while wiping her tears.

"Smile every time you have a problem. At least with you smiling you can reduce your problems a little. You can think better to solve your problems." Damien said with a smile looking at Luna's beautiful face.

Luna nodded again.

"Thank you Dam, I calmed down a bit after hearing your advice." Luna said while looking at her watch.

"You're welcome, I'm happy if you accept it well." Damien said starting to feel that there was something that made him happy.

"Luna, you should invite your friends in. The event is about to start. Has Alvaro arrived yet?" Sofia asked with a worried look looking for Alvaro's whereabouts.

"Looks like Alvaro can't come Aunt, I was going to pick him up but he said he wasn't feeling well. So I asked him to just rest." Damien said answering what he knew.

"Poor Alvaro, he must be very sad right now. Zenita has left and is now sick. Surely there is no one to take care of him when he is sick like now." Sofia said, truly loved Alvaro like her own son.

Damien could only be silent while looking at Luna who just lowered her face.

"Come on... Luna, invite your friends in." Sofia said then went inside to listen to the cleric who started the event for Zenita's three days.

Luna nodded her head then invited Damien into the house.

Zenita's three-day event ran smoothly and solemnly until the event ended exactly at nine o'clock in the evening.

Luna sat sadly watching her parents cry again.

"Luna, you must be stronger than them. You have to be able to strengthen and comfort them." Damien said while rubbing Luna's shoulder.

Luna straightened her back and wiped her tears.

"You're right Dam, I have to be strong. I will cheer them up. But what about you? You'll be alone here." Luna said feeling bad about leaving Damien alone.

"You take it easy, you can accompany your parents. I also want to say goodbye, now it's night. I'm also very tired needing rest tonight." Damien said with a smile getting up from his seat.

"Thanks for your attention Dam. See you tomorrow at work." said Luna, getting up from her seat when Damien said goodbye.

After Damien came home, Luna approached her mother who began to calm down in the arms of her father Darries.

"Momy, Daddy you have to be strong and don't cry anymore. Zenita must be sad to see Momy and Daddy sad like this," said Luna as she hugged her mother.