Saya Kagemitsu (Saya)

In the centre of a room so dark, no eyes could adjust. Saya Kagemitsu was seated on her knees, holding a sheathed katana on her hip.

Iaijutsu - Lightning style, flash-cut #1 - Zato-ichi - Saya said - Pulling the sheath back from her sword. - Her barefoot gripped the mat floor - she swung her katana swished in a perfect circle around her before she sheathed it once more.

"Again! " Seigen said.

Saya had been at it for hours and still no progress; She felt she would never be able to master the lightning sword style even if she tried her absolute best.

Seigen Sensei, Why do we only practice in the dark? Saya asked. If I could see my form--

"You may not be as blind as I. But to truly wield Raikirimaru, you must master all seven forms and to that... for you; it will require more than sight."

Saya knew she did not have the talent nor the desire to wield the katana of a blind man tasked to watch her in her father's absence. If she tried her best to get stronger, her father would notice, she thought.

Will my father come home tonight? She asked. Her father had not been home in six months. He rarely left for this long.

"He will not be returning for some time; his duty lies in the war to the North. Your people maintain the peace in the Barter Lands; that is why you must strengthen yourself, Saya."

"Enough idle chatter, Again!" Seigen said

Saya continued to practice her Iaijutsu forms; Seigen had told her they were meant for defence which she felt suited her fine. At least she would not become strong that way. As much as she hated the training, she found peace in that dark room, so it was not all bad.

"I hope he never comes home," she thought to herself.

"That is enough for tonight," he said.

Saya was exhausted from the endless repetition, her body drenched in sweat. She stood with only the sarashi - a long strip of cloth bandages - wrapped tightly around her chest and down to her midriff.

A bath had already been drawn for her; she was, after all, the only heir of the Kagemitsu clan, the most powerful of all the families in the Ananke Village.

Deep in the Barter Lands, far from prying eyes, she took off her sarashi, her bruises exposed. She took off the pant she wore tight with bandages wrapped around her shins.

She stared at the shadow dragons proudly carved on a large round piece of wood mounted on the ceiling. They represented all the expectations placed upon her; how ironic the red gems set in their eyes now watched her in the nude with all her feelings laid bare.

Later that evening, in a room with a short-legged dinner table with six zabuton cushions set three on each side. Saya sat to eat the dinner prepared for her alone.

Even if her father were home, this part of her life would remain the same as it's always been. Well, no, it was not always like this. Before her mother passed, the house was a home filled with hugs and goodnight kisses, good mornings and good nights and some yelling to do the dishes.

The servants are always here, at least in their physical presence; without tongues to tell secrets, they can bow without fear. As delightful as they are - Saya smiled at a passing servant - they are bound by duty and as loyal as they come.

All that was left now was to muster the strength to do her homework, Saya thought to herself as she sighed with her back on the floor.

The following day came too quick to notice. As she left the house in a hurry, she grabbed her wooden katana. A servant was waiting with a prepared lunch at the gate.

I can't believe I'm going to be late again - She took the prepared lunch - "Thank you!" Saya said.

She took her usual route on foot, down the mountain and across the river bridge.

Hana! Saya called to her friend, who rode in a horse-drawn carriage to the academy.

"Late again? " Hana asked.

Well, some would say I was right on time, Saya said.

"Get in," Hana said as the carriage slowed down to a stop.

Hana was a timid girl who wore her heart on her sleeve; her 16th birthday was only two days away. Saya would not allow herself to forget again this year. After all, Hana was the only person she truly dear.

To take Hana to the market after school was her plan. Hana had been at home all week, so this was her chance. Nothing would stand in her way, even though she had no idea what kind of present to get a girl who never asks or seems to want anything.

Saya looked at Hana sideways - challenge accepted - she said out loud.

"What challenge," Hana asked?

Saya's cheeks flushed red - she pulled Hana in and rubbed her knuckles on her head --

"Sayaa!" Hana said as her eyes closed, her frail hands trying to push Saya back.

Hana has had poor health since they were children; Hana's father used to bring her to the Kagemitsu Manor - Well, that was - before her father stripped him of his power.

Now, as the head of the weakest clan in Ananke with only Hana's little brother to be his successor. She had not been at the house in years. Though the two had remained friends, at least at the Academy.

After the final class of the day at the Academy, they met at an entrance where Saya had made Hana promise to meet her.

It was finally time for - Operation. Take Hana to the market and see if she looks at anything she might want but will not ask for because she is annoying like that, so I can get her something amazing to make up for last year - Saya thought.

Are you ready?

"Are you sure this is a good idea," Hana asked?

Of course, it is; let's go!!

The Barter Lands had the largest marketplace in the world, hustling and bustling with people from all over. Anything one wanted, one could find it there, from clothes to produce to an assassin for hire. It was known as the land of merchants where negotiations were required.

Saya and Hana walked the dense roads with merchant stands as far as their eyes could see.

- Saya made sure to hold onto Hana's hand - through stables and coachmen who would take them near or far, exotic eateries with the best food around and the dark alleys and corners where sane men don't wonder, black markets in the shadows where thieves stock their plunder.

"Would you girls like to buy some beautiful accessories?" a merchant woman shouted from her stand.

Let's go take a look, Saya said.

As Hana looked at the accessories, Saya's eyes flicked between the stand and Hana's eyes. She was determined not to overlook even the slightest twitches; something was bound to catch her eye.

"Oh, that one looks pretty --"

"Ahhh," Saya thought. "I completely missed it."

- She started franticly pointing at the accessories - Wait, was it this blue one or the red one? No, it's this green one that matches your eyes, right?

Hana giggled with both hands covering her mouth as her eyes closed. Saya understood that she was no match for Hana and her perfect ruse was adorably transparent; Saya couldn't help but smile.

A man escorted by guards called out to Hana sternly.

"Father," she said.

"What did I say about coming to the market," Mr Hoshikawa said.

"My apologies, father" - One of his guards reached to grab Hana by the hand-

-Saya gripped the wooden katana on her hip -

Iaijutsu - Lightning style, flash-cut #1 - Zato-ichi, Saya said as she drew slashing to hit the guard's hand away from Hana.

The crack on his wrist sounded like a fracture.

"You are going to pay for that, " the guard said as he held his hurt arm down --

"Enough," Mr Hoshikawa said, looking down at Saya with intense eyes. "Hana, come along. We are leaving."

Hana left with her head held low without looking back at Saya.

Saya, now alone, upset that she could not muster the courage to say something, hell, anything to Mr Hoshikawa. But was it even her place to get in the middle of family matters? Mr Hoshikawa clearly held resentment toward her father, maybe toward her.

I guess I should head home, Saya said, looking at the orange sky hiding behind the clouds.

On her way home, tied to a merchant stall, a pink ribbon gently fluttering in the wind caught her eye. Lit by the sunset on the horizon, it seemed so soft, so delicate and yet so bold.