The Moon of Guilt

Anybody could tell from his look that he was seeing something extraordinary.

"Wow." Iwan, who was seeing a sight that he wouldn't even imagine, couldn't help but stare at it.

With his breathing acting as brush strokes, a picture of an ocean was being drawn by something unknown.

"How is this happening?" Iwan mumbled as he watched the picture unfold its deepest essence.

The picture reached its complete form with every one of his breathing cycles.

After ten breaths, the picture was completed with a body hanging upside down in a dark ocean.

Iwan didn't know who the body belonged to, but he didn't care about it. Since he didn't even know where he was and how he saw all this unfold.

'He is drowning.' With just a look, Iwan had reached the conclusion that the body standing on the inner surface of the ocean was in the process of dying by drowning.