Test Swordsmanship II

A/N: I am sorry for the quality and the mixed chapters from me over the last five days.

This is not an excuse but I will take the blame for wasting precious time on the shit quality and even the repetition. 

To be honest, five days ago, my father's condition suddenly got so bad that he was wailing in pain and I had to take him to the hospital. There, he was diagnosed with debris around his gall bladder along with its swelling, and liver infection, that is, surgery was needed to stop the pain he was going through. My dad is 57 and getting surgery meant that he would need someone's support 24/7. Thus, ater his surgery till now, I have been acting as the limbs of my father, and I am proud to be of help to him and be a support for him in his time of need just like he has raised me and supported me till now.