Bowing The Head

"Sword God's Lazy Swing!? Too Overpowering." Iwan mumbled before Yu Lan started talking.

"These golden dots form a path. This golden path is the sword mind. A path formed from the sword senses stored in the subconsciousness of a swordsman." Yu Lan told Iwan whilst the black sword slowly disappeared as if it was entering the shadows.

"I see." Iwan nodded his head with a respectful gaze in his eyes toward Yu Lan.

"Now, it's your turn. Show me your sword mind." Yu Lan told Iwan before the same hum entered Iwan's ear.

'Damn it.' Survival instincts raged in Iwan as his body moved like a buzzing bee that could sense that its life was being endangered by a charging hornet.

Iwan lowered his body and dashed back while tightly clenching the Widow Maker.

Yu Lan's eyes curved slowly as he smiled at Iwan who was trying to escape when he was in the presence of the Sword God.