Sakura was vigilant around the doctor and nurses.

After Alex left the hospital, she didn't let anyone go near her.

If a nurse came with a syringe or a tray of food, she would begin to open her mouth, ready to shout.

In the end, the nurses could only give her food by leaving them on the table next to the door and closing the door afterward.

For two nights, Alex came to visit her with chocolates.

She gobbled them up the moment he opened the box and gave it to her.

Alex spent one hour with her each evening.

"Do you like these chocolates?" he asked.

She shook her head with a queasy expression.

Alex chuckled. "It's called dark chocolate. It's bitter, isn't it?"

"…Yes…" Her voice was soft.

"Did you like the chocolates I brought yesterday?"

Sakura vigorously nodded her head. "Like."

"That was milk chocolate. I guess you like sweeter chocolates. What else do you like? What about colors?"

Alex opened up a catalog. It contained a plethora of colors.

Sakura looked at the catalog with great interest.

However, she wasn't sure what his intentions were.

"Choose the colors you like," he said.

Sakura pointed out pink, red, lavender, and light blue shades.

"Your choices are excellent. I like those colors too," Alex complimented her choice.

"Mr. Alex, your time is almost up," a nurse came and announced.

Sakura glared at the nurse.

The nurse gulped. She felt chills run down her spine just looking at those glass blue eyes. She quickly left the room.

"I guess I have to leave now." Arthur took the catalog from Sakura. Then, he stood up and ruffled her hair.

Sakura grabbed his hand. She lowered her head, not letting him see her expression.

"I'll be here tomorrow. I'll take you home with me," Alex assured her in a gentle voice. "Just stay here for the night."

Sakura didn't let his hand go even though she heard him.

Alex ruffled her pink hair with his free hand. "I'll be back. I will come back for you."

After some struggle with her inner thoughts, she let go.

Alex smiled.

He didn't know why she listened to him. But he was grateful that she did.

Otherwise, it would be hard to find out more about her.

The next day, Alex and Lucan came to the hospital.

Dr. Fuziwoka met them with a grim expression.

"Doctor, I'm here to take your patient home," Alex said.

"She is not yours to take, Mr. Alex," Dr. Fuziwoka stated.

Alex stared at him with a bit of surprise.

He said, "In case you didn't know, I have the authority to take her with him. She will be under my care and the police won't take her to the prison because they already identified her."

With his signal, Lucas pushed the file in his hand toward Dr. Fuziwoka.

Dr. Fuziwoka suspiciously scanned them before taking the file. The file had Sakura's information.

Name: Yoshida Sakura Jean

Birth of Date: 16 August 1999

Father's name: Yoshida Hiroto

Mother's name: Yoshida Aiko

Address: Tokyo, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Religion: Buddhism

Blood type: O+

Dr. Fuziwoka closed the file. "My patient suddenly has your family title, Mr. Alex. That's surprising. Does she have your parents' name as well?"

"You know about me?"

"Mr. Alex, everyone in the city knows about you. I just have to Google your name and your profile is there. Your name is Yoshida Alex. I'm not sure why you don't have your Japanese name."

"You would have to ask my parents. Now, shall we take Sakura home?"

Dr. Fuziwoka handed over the file to Lucas and said, "I like the name Sakura. It means Cherry Blossom. I guess you came up with the name by her hair."

"It's just a hair color. Her actual hair is black. Let me take you to her room."

Afterward, he escorted them to Sakura's room.

Lucas whispered to Alex, "That dude was overly protective of someone he couldn't even give a home to. What's his deal?"

"Don't know. Don't care." Alex was expressionless.

Since Sakura woke up, she could barely keep her excitement.

When she saw Alex showing up with Dr. Fuziwoka, she didn't say anything but her face beamed like a thousand watt light bulb.

Lucas introduced himself, "Hey, babe! You haven't met me before but I was there when Alex rescued you."

He bowed dramatically. "I'm Lucas Garcia. Just call me Lucas or Luke. It's an honor to be an acquaintance of a beautiful woman."


Sakura tilted her head to the right side, not understanding why he bowed.

Alex told her, "He is greeting you, Sakura. How about telling him your name and saying that you are happy to meet him."

Sakura looked at Lucas. She pressed her quivering lips, unable to speak.

"It's fine. You can do this introduction later on." Lucas moved away. "Let's pack up everything you have here and get going to your new home."

He collected the chocolate cookies, picture books and dolls Alex bought for her.

He looked at the big pink-colored teddy bear.

He asked, "How are we going to take that one? Just grab it? I can't put it in the bag. So, I guess I'll carry it and drop it on the back of the ca– wo!"

He couldn't finish his words before Sakura jumped and snatched the teddy bear from him.

Alex smirked. "Be careful with that one. She bit a nurse's hand when she tried to take away the teddy."

Lucas said, "Oh yeah?! Couldn't you just tell me before I grabbed it? What if I was beaten?"

"She won't attack you," Alex assured him. "She understands that you are with me."

Lucas said, "Fine, but how are we leaving? With her wearing the hospital patient pajamas? It will look like we are abducting her."

"And I'm pretty sure Mateo won't want reporters to post anything in the newspaper about us with a girl wearing hospital pajamas.

"These days they make up anything. So, what's your plan?"