"So, what's for lunch?"

The reply Xue Lin got to her question was, "Wash your hands first."

Obviously from Mateo.

Xue Lin stared at him in return.

When her stare was getting colder, Mateo uttered the next word in between his teeth, "…Please."

"I'll be using chopsticks. What's the point?" Xue Lin shrugged.

Mateo glared at her, "You should be happy that I'm not asking you to bathe before sitting at the dining table, Miss."

Xue Lin raised an eyebrow. "I already washed my hands when I helped Sakura bathe. Shall we eat now? The food will get cold."

After they finished their meal, Alex went to wash the dishes.

Mateo opened a bottle of mixed fruit juice and served them.

At that moment, Lucas got a call.

He looked at the screen and declared, "My girlfriend is calling. Excuse me."

He went to the balcony and answered the call, "Haruhi-chan! I missed you!"

The girl from the other side of the phone didn't reply to his cheerful greeting.

She said, "We need to talk."

She sounded serious.

Lucas uttered, "Never in the history of romance have those words ever meant anything good."

"Lucas, let's break up."

Lucas shut his eyes and thought to himself, 'I knew it.'

He asked, "You want to break up over the phone?"

"I'm so sorry. I don't think if I face you I will have the courage to say those words. I love you so much. You are too handsome."

"Every time I see you, I go head over heels for you. But for you, it's not the same, is it Lucas? You never wanted to be serious with our relationship, did you?"

The girl named Haruhi interrogated him while wiping softly.

"…Huh?... Um…"

Lucas was unable to answer. The breakup was already sudden.

He didn't know how to answer her question that came directly to his face…. (I mean) ear.

Haruhi sobbed harder when he didn't reply. She took his silence as 'yes'.

"Goodbye, Lucas. I wish you nothing but happiness."

After that, the girl hung up.

Lucas stared at his mobile for a long time. Then, he looked outside and stared at the clear sky.

He watched the white clouds move toward the west. A few birds were chasing after them.

He took a deep breath before going back inside.

He smiled brightly as he sat on the couch and leaned against the cushion.

"Ahh… why do I feel so light?"

Hearing his cheerful voice, Mateo looked at him. "Did you have another breakup?"

Lucas gasped. "How do you know?"

Mateo only raised an eyebrow.

"How many times have you gone through the same event this past year alone?" Alex asked with a hint of a smile on his lips.

Lucas turned his head and looked at him.

"Err… did that happen often?" He scratched his head.

"Every single time!" Mateo gritted his teeth.

"Just how many times do girls break up with you within a year? Can't you stay single for a while? Why do you have to go for women the moment you break up?"

He vented the irritation that was forming for a long time.

"It's not my fault, okay! I'm the one who gets dumped every time. It's not even fair."

Lucas pouted as he complained.

Mateo knitted his eyebrows. "If you were a bit sincere, things wouldn't turn out this way."

Lucas retorted, "I am serious! I want to date till death do us part."

"Unfortunately, the majority of Asian women prefer marriage over dating. When a guy doesn't want to get married, they feel insecure."

Mateo spat out and then took a magazine to read.

"I think you all should lower your voice or else someone will wake up," Alex said. He was wiping his hands after washing the dishes.

Hearing his words, everyone looked at the couch where Sakura was sleeping soundly.

She knocked herself out while watching television.

She curled up on the couch and breathed softly with her eyes closed.

"Must be tired," Mateo commented,

Lucas remarked, "I don't think she slept at all when she stayed in the hospital."

Mateo recalled his first time meeting her. He stated, "From what I saw, she detested doctors."

Xue Lin said, "I don't think it's the doctors she had issues with. It's the injections and the smell of medicine. Not everyone likes those things. Even I don't like those things."

"Oh, I remember, you once slapped the doctor for injecting you with a huge syringe." Ge Chen recalled with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Xue Lin frowned. "That's my self-defense mechanism. My hand flew on its own. It has nothing to do with me."

Alex: "…"

Mateo: "…"

Lucas: 'Is she serious?'

"I will take Sakura to her room," saying that Alex stepped closer and carefully took Sakura in his arms. After that, he carried her upstairs.

Looking at the pair, Lucas thought, 'Why does this look like I'm watching something I shouldn't? I have sinned!'

While his thoughts ran wild, Alex put Sakura down on her bed. Then, he tugged her under a thin blanket.

He was about to leave when his thigh was hugged by a slender arm.

He paused and turned around. He found Sakura's arm grabbing him. She was still sleeping.

He softly smiled. He reached out and gently stroked her hair.

Afterward, he stuck the huge teddy bear in her arms and pulled one arm over to embrace it.

With that familiar touch, Sakura unconsciously smiled. Her arm tightened around the soft plush teddy bear.

Seeing her in deep slumber, Alex turned around and left the room. He kept the door open.

Later, he came down and then sat beside Mateo. After that, he looked at Xue Lin.

"What do you think of her?"