Looking at the middle-aged couple, "Who are they?"

"They are Sakura's parents," Alex replied.

Sakura was stunned. "My parents?"

She keenly stared at them but felt nothing inside. Her heart didn't ripple when she watched them.

"No, not yours," Alex said. "The Sakura I knew when I was a child."

Sakura's heart shuddered. She licked her lips and then commented, "I don't understand."

"I'm sorry, Jean. I mistook you for someone else."

Alex apologized from the bottom of his heart. 

Afterward, he narrated shortly about the Sakura he knew and how she was kidnapped and why he mistook her as his childhood sweetheart.

Sakura quietly listened to his story. 

She didn't know what to feel. She had no idea what to say. She dared not to look at him.

When he was done, he apologized again for mistaking her for abducted Sakura.