"You do know that you call any Secretary of the President to check if someone had an unofficial appointment. Do you not?"

Chills ran down the receptionist's spine. She shuddered in fear of losing her job.

Judith continued, "Miss Yoshida can roam around the company freely. Whenever she comes, let her go anywhere she wants. 

"Don't restrict her movement. This is an order from the President. If you don't know how to carry out orders, go back to the training center."

The receptionist gulped. She bowed again. 

"I'm sorry, Miss Judith. This is the last time. It'll never happen again."

"I hope you can keep your word."

Judith didn't say anything anymore and left with Sakura.

Soon, Sakura reached Alex's office and knocked on the door.

The door opened automatically when it was touched by Sakura's finger. It seemed unlocked.

She peeked inside and found Alex was talking to someone on the phone.