
After Yren flew into the first room of the Dungeon, he landed in a heap on the hard ground below. After a brief moment of grumbling, he realized where he was and quickly got up.

A female Were-Rabbit was across the room from him, and his adrenaline started to course through his body. The face slightly resembled a human face, but she was smiling with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Yren reached to his side like he had been taught, but there was nothing there. He had no weapon, but he wasn't defenseless, yet panic was starting to set in.

Calm down.

I have never heard a female voice like the one in my head before. The feeling I had was like I was talking to an angel.

"So, how long are you going to stand there for, brother? Or have you not learned how to speak yet?" The Were-rabbit asked Yren, and his jaw dropped.

"What?! How?! No! You aren't supposed to speak… right? Wait, you just called me brother? How?!" Yren exclaimed, feeling like he was losing his mind.

*All the children of this Dungeon are mine, created by me.*

Yren's head was about to pop right off his shoulders as he grasped it between his hands, trying to keep it from doing that. His father had said nothing about this, and it was all starting to become too much.

"What does this mean then? How am I supposed to kill someone you are telling me is my sister?" Asked Yren as he kept his eyes on the Were-rabbit that was still standing on the other side of the large stone room he stood in.

"Kill me? You will not be able to do that, even if you had a weapon, little brother," The Were-rabbit told Yren, and his eyes went wide.

"What?! Then why would my father and mother want me to come here?! You're just a-," Yren started to say but dodged to the side as three massive claw marks dug into the wall beside where he had been.

"I am an Elite Ranked monster, and you had better remember that the next time you think about attacking your cute older sister!" The Were-rabbit told Yren as his eyes were filled with shock and terror.

*Calm your mind and talk to her like she is another person. Ask her what she wants.*

'What she wants? It looks like she is going to kill me!' Yren thought in his mind.

*Some will want to fight, and you will be forced to kill them. With time they will learn to trust humans again, like the monsters of this Dungeon.*

Yren tried to relax, taking the deepest breath he had ever taken. There had to be another way for him to win, whatever that meant.

"Umm, my name is Yren. What is your name?"

"Mika! See? Was that so hard? I won't hurt you unless you threaten me!" Mika told Yren with excitement.

Yren tried to relax, but years of his life had taught him that this was wrong. This was a dangerous monster in front of him, but it talked and called him brother; it defied all of his logic.

"Okay, Mika, what am I supposed to do then?" Yren asked, scratching the back of his head.

"We are going to play a game! Your dad is no fun, he always catches me fast, but this will be fun!" Mika exclaimed as she jumped up and down.

Yren just stared blankly, completely dumbstruck.

"Huh? You want me to chase you until I catch you?"

"Yup! If you can catch me, I will reward you with some experience, and I will tell you a secret! But don't think I will take it easy on you just because you are my brother! Mom says you need to get stronger before you move on!" Mika told Yren, and he nodded.

This shouldn't be too hard, but he knew that even a normal Were-rabbit was very fast, but it was only supposed to be a novice monster. Yren wondered how it was possible for her to rank up?

"So, come and try to get me, baby brother!" Mika taunted Yren.

That frustrated him, but he had been taught in class and by his father to keep his cool. He could do this!

Yren darted forward, but Mika didn't move as he headed directly at her. Yren knew that it wouldn't be this easy, so he slowed when he got closer and came to a complete stop.

Mika looked at him with a questioning look, but Yren had a plan. He had made a point to learn about monsters and their weaknesses as much as possible.

They were meant to be used in fights with the creatures, but maybe Yren could apply them here. Were-rabbits were fast, and this one would be faster than normal, but they had very short attention spans.

Yren reached in his pocket and fished around till he found a coin. Hopefully, this would work, but if not, he would try something else.

"Hey, what is that over there?" Yren asked as he pointed to the right, the coin still in his left hand.

"You think that will fool me?!" Mika exclaimed with a condescending laugh, but that was when I flipped the shiny copper coin in the air.

Shiny objects were a Were-rabbits greatest weakness, just like Were-cats, and Yren wasted no time. He lunged forward as Mika watched the coin, but right before he grabbed her, a hand grabbed his shirt, stopping him.

"Really, Mika? What did your mother tell you?" Tybrus said as he held Yren back from the surprised Were-rabbit.

"What?! No! He cheated!" Mika complained as she jumped back from Yren's hands.

"No, he just used his head, and you were tricked fair and square. You had better remember that tomorrow!" Yren's father scolded Mika.

"What is going on? Why did you stop me, dad?" Yren asked in confusion as his father let him go, and he straightened up.