[Bonus chapter]Eat Little Kids

"Blessed be you that gives devotion to the Dungeon that tests and the Divine that blesses. By the Divine power granted to me by the Dungeon to prove our worth, I bless you, my followers!" Both girls sang out, and people all over started to glow blue, red, and gold softly.

"I feel great! It is like I just Ranked up!"

"My pains are getting better, and my old bones feel like they want to get back in the Dungeons!"

"Praise Mellinia, the magnificent Dragon!"

"Praise Titania, the radiant Angel!"

"Praise the Dungeon!"

Yren watched, and more and more people started to light up in different colors, but one-third of the crowd was gone now. That was a far more significant number than he had expected, but it was still within reason.

Now that people could see and feel the effect of the blessings, more would come in the future, but Yren saw a problem looming. The Capital.