Monster Acceptance

Suddenly Yren, his mother, and a group of monsters and Humans were standing outside of the Dungeon.

"Hmm? What is going on?" A bald headed man asked, looking over at Yren and Mira.

"Blastern?" Yren asked, and the man nodded.

"I guess it really is me! Well, this is a surprise! You really did it!" Blastern cheered, and the other humans and monsters joined in.

"Mira!" Mika called, hopping over, still in her were-rabbit form.

Mira opened her arms and embraced the rabbit girl, and the two held the hug for a long time.

During that time, Yren scanned over the group. There were only three other monsters, the other six had become humans, but Yren hadn't met them.

There was a skeleton knight, but his armor was a heavy, blue plate with gold detail. The next was an orc with massive bulging muscles and large tusks sticking from his ape-like face.