Yren crunched down on the hard shell with four-inch and a half-long legs pressing into his mouth. The exact amount was sticking out of his mouth, but he was having trouble trying to chew it all down with Titania's performance in the background.
The flavor was not bad, but even without Titania making puking noises behind him, Yren still would have had trouble getting the Shaker down. Yren coughed after crunching the bug section down, but he had a sick look on his face as he handed Mellinia the rest of his bug on a stick.
"See?! It told you that it would be horrible! Nope, not a chance that I am trying that! I respect other cultures, but this stuff is not for me!" Titania declared as a shiver ran through her entire body.
"Dat's fine! More fur meh!" Mellinia said with big legs sticking out of her mouth.