Races Of The World

"Things have happened, and you are unhappy about them, are you? The crown's weight can be heavy, even if you do not wear one yet," Gaius said as Yren opened his eyes to a mountain top plateau, but Yren didn't recognize the landscape.

"Where are we?" Yren asked as he stood up to look all around himself.

Everywhere he looked, there was red sand. Dunes of it as far as his eyes could see.

"This is one of the six continents that make up the world you live on, Sharkra. This land is home to a strange insect-like humanoid race known as the Shiki and the Evolutionary Forms. They have almost completed the last Dungeon they are on and will go into hibernation until you are finished," Gaius explained.

"Strange, but I guess some other places will be much different than here, right?" Yren asked, turning back to Gaius.