Episode 6. Manners (Revised v1.1)

Humans are weak creatures, they are so fragile. At any time you can die. Even with just a small scratch, your life can be lost. Therefore, humans created technology. Technology that can protect our lives from any scratches. That technology is called Anitya.

A 50-year-old woman stares at glass tubes filled with humans being tested. They were put in a tube to test how strong they could withstand any pain and scratches with Anitya's help. As a result, 80% of them survived.

That guinea pig's suffering still hasn't ended yet. There are still more trials. Until only 30% of them survive, the trial will not be stopped.

The old lady stared at their suffering and death. Without closing her eyes, the old lady was ready to receive karma for what she did. As long as humanity can be evolved, she won't stop.


"So that's how Anitya's technology that we use today can protect us. It takes a lot of sacrifices just for something this small" I explained how Anitya's history was formed nine years ago while holding Anitya's liquid which is now almost injected into every human body.


The bell rang signaling the end of class. I ended the class and told the class president to prepare the class.

The students one by one started to leave the class until leaving only me, Sophia, and Moka. But instead of going home, Sophia and Moka came to see me.

Oh, another problem. I have a feeling that I will be late to go home because of this. I started to catch my breath to prepare to face this problem.

"Mr. Rasyid can we have a talk for a minute?" Moka wants to talk about something.

Sophia closed the classroom door and turned off all the lamps on the desk. The board that was filled with the face of an old lady, has now turned black. The silence of the class give a dreadful atmosphere, the voices inside wouldn't be heard from the outside.

"Is it true that you let Mr. Fajri away?" Moka glared at me while crossing her arms.

"Yes," I nodded my head like nothing happen.

"That's a lie, right" She widened her eyes. "Mr. Fajri's family is also my family, and now his status is gone"

Sophia was surprised after hearing Moka's explanation. It seemed that Sophia didn't know what Moka wanted to talk about, and she did this because she was forced by that girl

Seeing Moka's expression, maybe this is the right time to do for my little trick...

"You more care about Mr. Fajri than Sophia's safety?" I argued and tried to counter her.

"What, how could you say that?" She stared in disbelief.

"At that time, you asked Miss Erika and Mr. Bahar not to make this problem spread, didn't you? It was not because you cared about Sophia's safety, but because You care about your adoptive brother's safety. His parents have already like your own parents." I make a faked story but accidentaly hit the truth.

Moka, who was shocked, couldn't believe it, and immediately put on a terrible face and gripped my collar hard so hard. "How dare you!" Her annoyed face was very close to mine.

Sophia who saw that immediately walked up to both of us. Her face looked blank mixed with dejected feeling.


A hard slap hit on Moka's cheek.

Sophia's breathing becomes unstable. Now things have turned around, now Moka is the one who is silent while staring at Sophia.

The trick was successful. The pleasure shows on my face.

The silent Moka is trying to open her mouth "Why did you stop him(Fajri), so you are on that pervert's side?!" Sophia shouted, instantly freezing Moka's mouth, which had been babbling all this time.

Moka could only turn her face away and couldn't say anything.

She is holding back her anger by clenching her fists, Sophia tries to walk away from the classroom. Seeing that, Moka tried to run to her by holding her hand.

"Please..... Me too... Don't know what to do..." Tears fell from Moka's eyes.

"On your side, I have to protect you. On the other hand, Mr. Fajri's parents have taken care of me since childhood...Which side should I choose?!... I'm confused!" Moka let go of Sophia's hand while in tears.

Sophia turned around, and a cold glare she made on her face. Moka's sad face was not what she saw, but my cold gaze that saw them fighting like enjoying the show is what she looks.

At first, I was the one who had to be judged, but now her attack turned to its owner. Moka, who initially wanted to judge me, now couldn't help but cry. Sophia's gaze glared at me, which hinted that she wanted to talk to me in private. She immediately left the classroom with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, because of me..." Moka looked down helplessly while crying.

Her hands were clenched into fists and her lips curled in annoyance. She turned around her body and looked at me coldly. Moka could only stare at me helplessly. Her steps began to move out of the classroom with teary eyes.

Really, it was quite a waste of my time. I hope my private talk with Sophia doesn't take much longer my time anymore.

On the classroom terrace, I saw Stevent staring alone at the people practicing duels with other students on the field. Loneliness showed on his face.

'Maybe he needs a friend?' I thought to myself as I walked closer to him.

He immediately realized that I was approaching him so he was surprised and immediately left the place.

Did I do anything weird? I must have made a mistake when I tried to approach him earlier.

I tried to stand where Steven was standing. I can see the view of the students taking their after-school activities from here. Unfortunately, for the girl's after-class club it is placed in a high-security place so that perverted eyes can't see.

Feeling that I wasted more time, I continued my walk to where Sophia was waiting for me.

When I arrived, She was standing alone in the hallway. The same hallway, when I defeated Fajri and saved her.

She who noticed my arrival immediately approached with a serious expression. "Sorry if I'm a little rude" Sophia walked closer to me.


That was a hard slap on my cheek. That slaps makes me slowly touch the mark of the slap.

"Don't you ever know what manners is?! Don't you ever know how to respect someone's privacy?!" Sophia's loud voice froze me.

"How can you be so calm when destroying someone's life?!" Now Sophia's tears came out.

She tries to wipe her tears with her hands. "YOU'RE EVEN LOWER THAN MR. FAJRI!!!" Sophia let out her last anger.

My mouth was silent due to shock. I tried to open it, but my mouth is like being stitched. "Sorry..." That was the only word that could come out of my mouth while looking down.

Why, why is it so hard. Usually, this is a common thing, but why does it feel heavy, right now. There's something I don't understand from inside of me.

"May I make a request?" Sophia who was crying suddenly changed the subject.

I looked at her face which turned her look away from me. Confusion swept over my mind that did not understand at all what was happening right now.

"You know... When I first met you, that time you were saving me from him. Immediately my eyes are bright, and immediately amazed at you, but right now my heart is in turmoil. I was made to fight with people who wanted to protect me like cheap comedic shows." Sophia lowered her sad face.

I froze. 'Come on this is just a normal problem, why can't I open my mouth.' Confusion is still in my head.

Not long after, she looked at me with a serious face with her index finger pointed at me. "May I ask you to learn manners!"

The confused me still doesn't understand what just happen, but it's not good for me to take a step back. I have to be able to deal with this.

"So you can't, right... Then... Let me be the one who will teach you! This is just as a thank you to you, okay?! Don't think anything weird! That's why I also ask for a reward (Sophia puts her right hand on her chest with pride). I want to be stronger like you! Teach me how to be strong" Sophia's loud voice forced me to nod.

I couldn't answer a word.

An offer Sophia made to me. I who was silent all this time could only nod in agreement.

The wind out from nowhere started to blow her black hair that had been falling down. Sophia put her hands on her chest. Tears came out again, but now a smile also come with her smile.

"Thank you for accepting me." She cries happily.

"Ha?" I was still confused.

Many things still confuse me. Why does she really want me to teach her? Was her attitude yesterday is same?