Episode 10. Loser

Morning as usual, My brother and I had breakfast together at the dining table.

Something come in my mind, I once asked my brother, Rizki that time. 'What happened to both of our parents and eldest brother.' When I was in school, both of my parents suddenly died and were buried when I just got home from school. A week later our eldest brother had the same fate. I asked many times even until now, but he never answered it until I never ask it anymore.


"How are you going to do it, Syid?" My brother asked about the plan to destroy the reputation of 3rd class magic.

"Don't interfere my mission!" I was too lazy to talk to my brother because he brought me back to this business.

"Whatever, I'm sure you can do it by yourself." My brother got up from his chair and headed out to the mayor's office.


Today we doing training again, my students and I are gathered in the arena. Something different happen now, what made the difference today was the magic class joining the practice session.

A young teacher named Vicky stand next to me. Like his tier class, his weapon chip(pageblug) is something really do with magic, it is flying swords.

"Beautiful day to practice, right Mr. Rasyid?"


"By the way I saw your students, it seems they are not making any progress at all. Can you really train them properly? See, even my student, Maul doesn't need to move at all to win this fight"

If only this is not class time, I'll punch this person till faint. He tried to make me angry. It is look like he wanted to analyze my fighting ability by provoking me. I tried to ignored him and focused on my student who was fighting in the arena.

Right now, Hakam and Maul is training in the arena.

Hakam looks overwhelmed by Maul's attack. He couldn't come closer to Maul at all, all he did was dodge the magic that flying to him. The situation is dire, Hakam who doesn't want to use magic has to deal with magic users.

Fireballs flew around following their targets while Hakam just continued to dodge the balls while carrying his heavy weapon. Maul smirk because he was in such a advantage situation right now.


The bell rings indicating that the practice beetwen Hakam and Maul is end. I looked at the student list and find another familiar name. I choose Gita to get into fight this time.

"Gita! Now is your time!" I shouted for him.

Gita stand up and raised his hand after I called him. He immediately rushed to the center of the arena and took turns with Hakam.

The Hakam who just came back from the arena immediately sat down in the seat with silent in disappointment. He didn't look happy knowing that it would be impossible to fight a magic class without magic.

I trying to walk closer to him with silent and sit beside him without being noticed.

"Why are you fighting?" I suddenly beside him and asked, this made Hakam surprised.

"Mr. Rasyid, since when?"

"I ask again, why are you fighting?!"


"There's no way you'd want to fight an enemy who fights with pure magic with only physical attack, right. There must be a reason."

"I just want to be strong and be able to protect my sister, unfortunately the rules where I live is refuse magic users and will be labeled as witch. Anyone who uses magic will definitely be expelled from that village. Magic is still considered a bearer of bad luck and will bring disaster to them."

Even in 2052 there are still people who believe in such myths. This is why I was able to carry out my missions while still working under Nova's order back then. They are so fool.

"Why don't you move from that villager?"

"No way! My sister and I don't have any family anymore!"

"Is it because of incident 'Summer of Fire' in 2046?"

"Hmm(nods)....My parents and relatives died during that incident..., I don't even want to remember that time, it was so scary to remember."

"If you have money to buy a new house, where would you like to live?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"It's nothing, at least you should have a goal to achieve something. Protecting your sister is a low goal for me"

"...., I just want to live in a place where i allowed to cast magic and close to the place to buy my need"

I pat his head, life without parents must be difficult. Hakam have worked alone to provide for his life and his sister. While looking at the Gita who was fighting in the arena, I already make a decision.

"I wonder if you can actually use magic or not" I have to confirm

"Of course i can, if that what you order then..." Hakam has great respect for his teacher.

He opened his palm. A green sphere formed on his palm.

"This is physical strengthening magic, light type magic." I said that by reflex.

If he used it, he could use his halberd 10 times more effectively. It would be a shame if he was prohibited by village rules

I went back to my silent mode and told him to stop. My view returned to the Gita who still in fight. His fighting style was really unusual. Using a M4-shaped weapon like, I don't know guns name. Gita easily destroys all his opponent's magic by shooting every weak spot of that magic. The fight ended with Gita's victory. Assault riffles are scary.


The bells have rung. The class was about to end, but Vicky want to held the class for a little longer.

"After seeing your students got destroyed ,why are you not upset, Mr. Rasyid?... They are suck, why not just tell them to stop?" He provoking me.

Hearing that I stepped closer to him. Sophia and Gita who saw me being provoked tried to stop me.

"Mr. Rasyid, don't be fooled by his words!" Gita holds my left hand.

"Mr. Rasyid, are you already forgot?!" Sophia reminded me of all her lessons and held my right hand.

I catch my breath. Then pat their heads.

"I don't fight because I'm consumed by emotions, I fight to protect the pride of all my students."

I let go of the two students who were holding me back. I took out and activated my pageblug and pointed my Curved Sword at Vicky.

"I accept your challenge!"

"Hahaha....You will join your students as laughing stock, Rasyid!"

".....(I ignored his words). I'll just be clear, you can't defeat me."

Vicky smirk because understand what I meant and went to the center of the arena, I following him.

The judge are chosen by tossing a coin. Gita and Maul are the candidates. Gita chooses the numbers and Maul chooses the pictures. Maul tosses the coin and gets a number. Gita become the judge

Gita went to the center of the arena and stand between us and prepared to give the signal.

"The fight between Mr. Rasyid and Mr. Vicky... START!"

Vicky immediately cast a bunch of water magic that was shaped like a sword covered in electric magic at me. If i got hit by it, it will be bad.

"I will defeat you in one blow!"

Vicky snapped his fingers. One by one the swords shot towards me quickly. It only took less than 5 seconds, the whole place I was standing was flooded by the marks of his magic. Gita who saw the danger immediately got out of from the arena.

"The Winner is already decided! JUDGEEE!!!"

Vicky arrogantly shouts at Gita to immediately declare the winner. But Gita shakes his head, Vicky who got confused immediately looked at where I was standing, that's where his disbelief started to come out.

Victory catches you off guard, one of the basic techniques I usullay use. A closed hole appeared in the center of the arena. Not long after the water around me is consiered as safe, a ground is being elevated. I stand on the block with my body covered in ground armor. The combination of water and electricity can't reach me anymore.

"You're so fool." I looked at Vicky with a disappointed.

I immediately jumped and swung my sword down towards Vicky who was still staring at me in disbelief.


A slow but powerful slash hit him. His muscles still slack, he would be easily to feel a pain. Vicky fell instantly after being slashed and was unable to continue the fight.

I remove my armor and it turned to mud.

"The winner... Mr. Rasyid!"

'This is such a waste of time.'

The arena became very quiet after hearing the victor's name. Both from my class and his class was silent. I ignored them and walked towards Vicky who was still lying down. I stabbed my sword right in front of his eyes. He reflexively looked into my eyes.

"If you can keep your mouth shut tomorrow. I'll be a little more gentle..." I said in a scary tone

After saying that I ordered my students to leave the arena and back to class.

I was preparing to leave the arena following my students, Unfortunately when I was at the door. Someone block my way, Sophia's face looks so annoyed to me. I think i will get scolded by her. I can only surrender to what happen to me.

"Mr. Rasyid, you are great! You made Mr. Vicky speechless a thousand words"

But what I heard was not her scold but a praise. I was speechless and confused at same time, but I tried to understand the situation. Sophia walked side by side with me towards class.

Along the way, Sophia tell me how annoying the man named Vicky was. I tried to pretend to hear what she says. she couldn't shut her mouth.


Sophia hit a student who had just come out of the toilet. That green hair?! 'Moka!!!.' An unfortunate coincidence. What will happen to the two of them?