Episode 11.5 A Light

Evening at the dining table with my brother.

"Bro...Wanna fight?"

"Hmm...Its rarewly twhat ywou aswak thwis?" My brother talked with his mouth full of food.

"Swallow your food first!"

My brother swallowed his food. "I'm sorry"

"The hell with sorry!"

"So...why you immediately ask this?"

"I used to fight almost every day back then...But since I became a teacher...I've become rarely fought."

"You've fought a teacher of magic class and teacher of physical 4, haven't you?"

"They..." I lowered my head. "Too weak." I can only say that.

I can even beat them with just one hit.

"That's good... You don't have to struggle with training anymore." My brother leaned back against the chair.

"That will make me weak, you damn brother!" I raised the volume of my voice and stood up from my chair.

"Okay, relax...But I won't hold back, got it?" My brother finally agreed.

Because I was forbidden to practice elsewhere. The two of us went to the special arena next to the mayor's office. My power is too strong even can destroy the arena if I don't hold back.

We both activate our Pageblug. A coffin formed from my brother's chip. The weapon my brother is wearing is a magic supplier type so he won't use it to hit me.

"Ouch...It's heavy. I haven't used it for a long time. I hope I still can use it. This weapon will supply my magic and can be used to hit you." My brother is the bad joker.

"Stop joking, Brother. It makes people around you think you're weird." I put on a straight expression.

"Don't worry they will hesitate to call me weird. Besides, There's no one here anyway." His face was very optimistic.

"Can you be serious at last once, Brother? It's getting late." I reminded my brother that it was already 11 pm.

"All right all right. Prepare yourself, Rasyid!" My brother took his stance.

"Start!" My brother gives the signal to start the fight.

I tried a basic attack, swinging the sword up at my brother. My brother held my attack by only using his 2 fingers.

"Did you really forget how to fight?" I'm saying that because he hasn't fought in more than 5 years.

"The basics are easy." The smile on his face indicated that he was still strong like that days.

I let go of my sword which was being held by my brother and raised my sword. Thunder in the room struck my sword.

"Take this!" I released the lightning that gathered on my sword and point it at my brother.

"Too weak!" My brother used the coffin as a shield.

The lightning I shot earlier disappeared without leaving a mark.

"You're still careless as ever, Brother." The smile on my face widens.

I went into silent mode and focused on the fight.

I threw my sword into the air and it stuck near the floor my brother step on. My brother who knew what will I do, immediately defend himself against something that will come from above by using the door of the coffin.

Rain fell inside the arena. My brother snapped his fingers and set fire to the field and canceled my attack.

Unfortunately, I already knew my brother would do that.

I ran into the middle of hellfire to pick up my sword that was stuck on the ground close to him.

When I've got my sword and the distance is very close. I immediately slashed a wave of wind at him.

My brother was burned by his own fire.

"Damn you, Syid!" My brother groaned in the heat.

The coffin immediately reacted when its master was in trouble. Magic is automatically generated to save him. Rain is falling inside the arena.

I who had been waiting for a moment like this threw back my sword and stabbed it near my brother.

"Checkmate brother." Lightning struck my sword and my brother's body and the rain make it more painful. He should have fainted if he got struck by that.

"Huh?" I was surprised.

My brother is still standing there?

He was standing there with his head down.

He turned his head towards me slowly.

A fear suddenly overtook me.

"Checkmate brother." My brother suddenly appeared in front of me and stabbed my body with his pointed hand which was made by earth magic.

I lost with a hole in my body. The training was won by my brother.

"Huh!" I woke up from my unconscious.

I checked the hole in my body was gone. I've seen people regenerate the hollow in their bodies but I remember them taking almost a day to recover.

"At last you wake up, slacker." My brother greeted me while sitting in the seat of the arena.

"I lose."

"Calm down it's normal. You winning over me is impossible." He smiled as he closed his eyes.

I was told that my brother Pageblug and Anitya are very special. Her Anitya A1 has a fairly high magic storage capacity compared to normal people in general. As for the regeneration speed, I don't know at all.

His Pageblug was a gift from Nova when he was on his first day becoming vice mayor.

I never hear that pageblug has a soul-like sensor to always protect its master.

"You know why you lose?" My brother stares at the across seat while telling me to remember my mistake.

"I'm too focused on my goal (mission), right?"

"So you know it, huh?"

My brother and I look to the distance. Silence is coming between us.

I must tell him.

"Actually, today I want to buy a house for my student. But my friend hold my want and said it should be done together" I tried to reconstruct the unwritten words that were said by Xander.

"Why did you go that far for your student?" My brother was shocked and looked at me.

"I just want to be forgiven."

My brother who understand the direction of the conversation immediately lowered his face and stopped the conversation.

"I see..." My brother's voice was low. "Lucky you can feel alive now." Tears fall from his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry like that. That makes you look more disgusting." I got up from my lie and walked away from him.

Why does my brother cry just because I feel alive?