Episode 17. Teacher Test pt.1

Podoagung School has turned into a giant fighting arena. More seating was added to accommodate more guests. Many flags, pamphlets, and sponsors hung around the walls of the arena.

This fight will be a great one, because it will be seen by high-status people, even at the level of the president of this country.

The teachers asked for encouragement from their students who were sitting in the same row with them. The students cheered for their teacher, and wish that their teacher can achieve a victory even though the possibility of entering the final is small.

On the other hand, I stand leaning my body against the highest place in the arena. At there, I made a phone call with nova.

"Forget about the mission to imprison those teachers. Claiming victory in the finals is more benefits me more than dealing with those losers."

"Understandable, have a good day!"

I hung up the call, my hand gripping my phone tightly. That damn old lady arbitrarily threw away all the plans I have made and switched to the plan she wanted. 'I always curse on you, Nova...'

Someone watched my loneliness from close. I looked at him, his relaxed face and smile waiting for my answer.

"Do you want to continue, Gita?" I sharpened my eyes.

Gita pursed her lips more sharply. "You know that grades also have an effect on getting into college, right?"


"The greater the teacher in the class, the higher the college will look at that class."

"So you're doing this for class, I think you do this for yourself."

"Actually, this is for myself, but this is the only way. 1st-year physical 1 class is in the lowest score because at that time Mr. Fajri didn't seem to care about the class, but after you came in and beat that disgusting Vicky in the arena. Our class score increased rapidly."

I walk closer to him, he stand suspicious of me. But his suspicions disappeared after I got near him.

I pat his head. "You're a good kid, Gita."

"Who are you calling good boy?!" His blushing face was clearly seen by me.

"Anyway, you have to do your best in this Test!" Gita pointed at me and ran away with a blushing face.

sometime after Gita left, I stared at the fighting arena. I thought in my mind, what am I fighting for? Whether completing an assignment from Nova, for my student, or something else. Confusion swept through me, but I had to put aside my excuses and focus on destroying all my enemies.

The wind blew my clothes, the flags fluttered wide because of it. An automatic iron door opened and let out the first participant. 1st-year teacher of magic 3 class, Vicky against Teacher of 2nd-year physical class 1, Rasputra.

I pursed my lips, the test just started and that face already showed in the field. I want to see how he wins or loses, and what kind of face he will put on later.

Unfortunately, my desire to see him was interrupted. My phone notification rang, on the screen, I saw Erika's name, I pressed a message she wrote. 'Where are you, Syid? The fight is about to start and you haven't sat down with your students.'

Erika was very worried seeing my absence, I better not make the people around me worry about me even more. I went back to the seats placed near my students.

The stares of my students make me a little nervous, but I'm used to this. Sophia who was sitting beside me whispered something.

"Where have you been?"

"Just trying to see from the highest point." I'm not lying this time.

Sophia's lips curved. "You're so weird, and surprisingly I'm not surprised about it."

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Sophia leaned back in her chair and try to think my strangeness was a normal thing.

Meanwhile, in the field, Vicky is struggling to fight against Rasputra, all the swords he throws do not work against Rasputra's spear technique, just by turning his spear, Vicky's swords bounce everywhere.

Vicky tried to cast a water spear attack from above, but Rasputra dodged it by quickly stabbing Vicky who was still preparing his magic, just like me who beat Erika when I first entered school.

Vicky who had been stabbed still didn't fall, he took out his last resort. He combined water and lightning magic and aimed at Rasputra's spear, his reflexes were fast. Rasputra who was still holding his spear got pushed back to the wall, but unfortunately, Vicky fell before him. The fight is won by the one who can survive to the end, Rasputra wins.

An Applause from the audience was heard to congratulate the winner. Rasputra replied by waving his hand while leaving the field. The president's face looked at him with a bored expression, maybe because what he was really waiting for wasn't this boring fight. But, my battle against 3rd-year magic class.

The nameplate has been updated, Vicky's name has been crossed out and Rasputra's name has moved to the next box.

The board changes its screen and becomes a matches shuffler. The machine has started shuffling, many names are spinning on the screen. I wish I had played at the end, I wanted to see how ordinary people fought.

The board stopped scrambling, the result is Samuel and Candra's names appeared on the screen. A fight between the 1st-year teacher of physical 4 class against the 2nd-year teacher of physical 2 class, it seems the fight is set to be 1st-year teacher versus 2nd-year teacher, while the 3rd-year teacher will fight the teachers who win in the previous fight.

It didn't take long, the battle between the two of them had ended with Samuel winning the fight, Candra fell unconscious in the arena because he was inexperienced against people who use rifles. Perhaps, Samuel won because of his hard work all this time. As long as it wasn't against a magic class, Samuel would continue to win.

The boards kept shuffling, and winners and cheers kept coming out, but none of them caught the president's interest. He looked disappointed that this school was supposed to be the most prestigious school in this country, but it didn't deliver the battles he was interested in.

Finally, my name came out on the board. I stand up from my seat and walked toward the arena. Sophia who saw me cheered me up. "Good luck."

The other students also cheered my name, for them this victory will determine how the college will look at them or not. Actually, I didn't need to win to make the college will look at them because the president had already stood up from his seat when my name came out, but duty is a duty. I will destroy my enemy with my strongest will.

My opponent is the 2nd-year teacher of magic 4 class, His eyes are very sharp as if he knows my true strength.

"I heard from my brother, he said you beat him with one hit."

He made a wrinkled face, it seems he was Vicky's brother. It was like destiny for me to destroy siblings.

I glanced at the president, his face is very excited to see my fight. He unconsciously leaned forward as he sat there.

'I'll give you what you want.' My mind was already focused on my opponent, I activated my pageblug and gripped my Curved Sword afterward. My opponent is a wand user, just like my brother, it's just supplying his magic not for hitting.


The signal for the start of the fight was heard.

I charged forward as fast as lightning and swung my sword from the ground up, splashing the ground flying through my blade. My opponent's eyes immediately hurt, can't wait long, and I added a twisting slash.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

About 3 slashes I gave him, quickly he was no longer standing and fell to the ground. The crowd cheered on their feet, for the first time they saw a fight that was even finished in the blink of an eye.

I came out of the arena and got a lot of message notifications from my friends. I press and open their messages.

(That's great... Very fast 'eyes shine emoji', Marika Tasya.)

(As expected of you, Erika Rahmana.)

(You really increase your strength to perfection, Samuel Yucheng.)

(Good job, Mr. Rasyid, Xander Xander.)

I also got messages from my students.

(You are great sir :D, Kanda Sophia.)

(I didn't know you were this strong, Monika Mahama.)

(So ​​this is the real power?, Luna Gita Lestari.)

(Heh... So you can fight a little, Stevent Xander.)

(What a good performance, sir, Hakam Surya.)

There is one more message, my tears fell when I found it.

(Good job, Syid, Rizki Kamil.)

Tears fell from my eyes, he really wanted to support me after what have I am done.

'I'm going to win this, for nothing but getting your forgiveness, Brother'