Episode 22. Incident at School, Sophia

Point of View: Kanda Sophia

I watched the match of every teacher of this school from this seat. An incident surprised me, for the first time. I saw Miss Erika beaten so badly. She lost so badly when facing Miss Fredrica.

"What happened to Miss Erika?" I asked people around.

"She looks like she's being provoked, her concentration is gone. She can't even shoot the arrow properly." Moka who was sitting beside me answered my question.

A few moments later, Mr. Rasyid returned to his seat as if nothing had happened. I've heard rumors that Miss Erika is close to Mr. Rasyid but I think it's just a rumor.

'That's just a rumor, right?' I looked down and felt uneasy when I heard those rumors.

I wanted to ask about Erika, but Mr. Rasyid sat there and focused on his cell phone. He is like sending a message to someone. Suddenly his face become confused, he stood up and left us again.

"He must have gone to see Miss Erika," Moka whispered to me.

"Hahhhh..." I can only sigh sadly

"He so care to Miss Erika, doesn't he?..." Moka actually made me jealous even more.

"Yeah, I'll let it go, for now, Bad thing has happened to her...lol." I laughed wryly to hide my jealousy.


"Well, looks like it's time for a break to change rounds. Sophia do you want to go to the cafeteria with me?" Moka invites me.

"Come on..." I smiled accepting her invitation.

It is been a long we talk like a friend like this. Mr. Rasyid has solved this problem, the problem that he made. This makes me hate him when he does that before.

While in the cafeteria we sat at a round table. My face sighed in disappointment at Moka, I looked at her while pouting my mouth.

"I thought you just invited me." I pout my lips and crossed my arms.

Moka did not just invite me, but she invite several people too. Stevent the arrogant Prince, Gita the class clown, and Hakam the class loser. And why are they all male?

"I'm sorry... They look don't have a friend to spend with, so I invite them." Moka smiled as she raised her hand.

"She says she will treat me, so I accept it." Gita is very excited.

"I'm just following Mr. Stevent, got it," Hakam spoke with a straight face like a bodyguard.

"I told you! Don't bring your work as a servant to school!" Stevent objected to Hakam's behavior.

Moka saw the closeness of Hakam and Stevent and immediately became curious about their relations.

"So you're really working as Prince Stevent's servant, right Kam?" Moka asked with an interesting expression.

"Hmm(nods)...Mr. Rasyid gave me a job, so now I can provide for my life and my sister's needs." Hakam answered in a happy tone.

"You are amazing, Kam. You can take care of yourself and your sister at this young age." I also commend him.

"No... it's not, really. It is all because of Mr. Rasyid, If it wasn't because of him, I probably wouldn't have moved from my old house either." Hakam blushed while ruffling his hair.

"You should also thank to my brother too. He helped too, right?" Steven was starting to brag.

"Heh(smiles)... Yeah, of course." Hakam could only answer with a small smirk.

"By the way... Mr. Rasyid is great, right. Not only does Hakam's financial problem properly solve. He can also fight enemies with one slash, I thought he was just a loser who entered through insiders." Stevent praised Mr. Rasyid with a big smile.

It's rare for me to see the famously arrogant Stevent put on a proud face when talking about anyone other than himself.

My mood is somehow very peaceful. Every time Mr. Rasyid's name is mentioned, a feeling of comfort surrounds me.

"Nyum NYUM nyum nyaum." Gita eats his food without using eating manners.

His voice was heard to the other side, and the comfort of my heart that I just got was instantly shattered. I couldn't help and only can empty smile at him.

"Oh my gosh, Gita! You eat without manners?!" Moka looked at Gita with a sharp face.

Gita's body only got silent nervously with sweat dripping down his face.

"Hehe." Gita can only answer with that.

"No wonder you're called the class clown, right Kam." Stevent shrugged his shoulders and faced Hakam.

"Hmm(nods with a smile)," Hakam answered Stevent's joke.

"Oh by the way, do you know the rumors about Mr. Rasyid and Miss Erika?" Moka changed the topic to take her eyes off from Gita.

"Oh about their relations, huh? I don't really care, as long as Mr. Rasyid isn't got pressured by that, I'll support him." Hakam expressed his opinion.

Gita and Stevent just nodded in agreement with Hakam's opinion. I who heard that, suddenly felt my heart hurt. If it's true that they have a relationship, then I will back off.

I was lost in worry.


Loud noises were heard from the toilet near the school's infirmary. A strong earthquake happened.

"What happened?!"

Gita who was eating immediately left his food and stood up to take steps to protect us all. He took out his pageblug and shot fire from his rifle. A barrier was created surrounding us. He looked like a different person right now.

The five of us were lying on the floor from the violent shaking from the ground. The piece from the roof is falling one by one. Gita's weapon, even broke when he held it.

"What is this?!" Moka asked.

Ting Ning Ning

The school's speaker to bring the announcement.

"To everyone in the school. Please be careful, many mysterious elemental creatures have suddenly appeared in the school." The school's speaker gave the announcement.

I tried to stand up and walked out of the cafeteria. When I came out I saw a sight that I will never believe if I didn't see it by myself. There are 8 creatures made of elemental magic goes berserk in the school. Water horse, fire tiger, lightning dragon, ice phoenix, earth tortoise, wind pig, light squirrel, and darkness buffalo.

I've heard that elemental beings are just fiction of science. They don't really exist at all, and only humans with extremely high magical powers can bring them out. Even tho they can only summon one.

Someone's face suddenly crossed my mind, 'Mr. Rasyid, is that you?' I shook my head. That time I saw him use fire magic, but even so. There are 8 elemental creatures, it's impossible to even for him to use them all at once.

"What's that?!" Moka and the others walked next to me.

"What the hell is that?!" (Steven)

"There are a lot of them." (Hakam)

"All elements gathered in this school." (Gita)

"They're all so big." (Moka)

I try to think of our steps.

"Pig!" Stevent pointed at the wind pig that butting on this way.

His scream distracts me from my deep thinking.

"Leave it to me!" Gita cast fire magic from his hand.

"Fool, it will make it stronger!" Hakam warns Gita but it is too late.

The pig was now grown and now had a shield of fire surrounding it. Gita's eyes could only widen and his mouth opened. "Oh... "

Everyone is disappointed by what has he done. He only smiles with a bad feeling.

"Tch... It already happens, just leave it to me!" Stevent cast water magic by bringing his hands together in front of him.

The pig's strength was reduced, I immediately realized. The pig element immediately changed after Gita shoots fire at it. If so.

"Gita! Let's combine our ice and fire magic and shoot at that pig!" I gave orders.


"Stevent keep shooting at the pig with your water magic. Hakam and Moka support us!"

"Only this time, I will obey your goddamn plan!" Stevent agreed with a little annoyed.

"Yes!" Moka and Hakam agreed.

The pig dodged our attacks, it used the round tables around the cafeteria to defend against our attacks.

"Tch! It's so agile! We can only attack it from close range!" Stevent gave up and activated his pageblug.

"I'll attack it with melee attack! Leave this to me!"

Stevent came forward carrying his sword which he had infused with water magic. He leaped up when the distance was close and slashed his sword at the pig.

"Got you!" Stevent hit the pig's body from above.

"Hyah Hyah Hyah!"

He doesn't want to be like in the movies. Stevent continued his slashes without letting the pig regenerate or anything.

"NGOK!!!" The pig got angry.

Stevent bounced off to the cafeteria tables. He was caught by the other students who were there.

"Are you all right?" Ask one of the students of the 1st-year magic 3 class.

"I'm fine, and so is the pig." Stevent pointed at the pig that was igniting the fire

"It seems that because of your friend, the pig turned into a fire elemental."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it just got easier." He smirks happily.

"Everyone! Those who can use water magic, shoot your magic together at the pig!"

A voice was heard from the place where Stevent had fallen.

Dozens of students in the cafeteria stood up and united. They put their palms against the pig, they will shoot magic at it.

"Shoot!" The boy gave orders to all the students.

Dozens of water magic shots drenched the pig's body. The pig started to groan in pain.

'But this is taking too long!' It took about 2 minutes to make the pig like that.

They would be exhausted before the pigs were completely wiped out.

Suddenly a black figure jumped from above me. He ran to the pig and slashed his flying swords. It didn't stop there, he also hit the pig with a combination of lightning and water magic continuously. Sweat begins to appear on Mr. Vicky's face.

"GRAAHHH!" The pig is in pain and the fire goes out then gone.

It took about 12 shots for the pig to disappear. All the students were exhausted and fell to the ground. Mr. Vicky stood exhausted, sweat all over his skin. I walked toward him.

"Thank you, sir." I thank him.

The teacher I thought was just a troublemaker was apparently willing to save the students for the sake of his reputation. At least he wasn't selfish.

"It is nothing!" Vicky turns his head and leaves.

I walked out when I saw that all the elemental creatures had disappeared. Those at school must have fought those creatures as well.

At that time, an old lady walked into the cafeteria casually. I felt a very strong aura on her. Is she the mastermind of this incident?

I shouldn't take a bad idea just yet.