Episoded 74. Cracked of the Truth

Point of View: Erika Rahmana

Me and the other teachers, along with the students of that man, stood in front of the empty room.

But in my mind, I'm still confused about a few things, why did they die?

I have seen Rasyid take someone's life before, but I never knew the process.

As the best fighter in this Nusantara, I feel foolish for not knowing that.

For example, why does Bahar, who seems like a loser, know about it while I don't?

He must already know about it, that's why he stopped the fight between Samuel and Natesh back then.

But what's the trigger, I once stabbed someone's heart with my lightning magic that infused an arrow.

But the result wasn't like that, they still could regenerate their body and walk away as if nothing happened.

What is the trigger?!

While thinking about that, I didn't realize that I was hitting my forehead.

"Erika, what's wrong?" Tasya suddenly asked me, noticing my odd behavior.

"It's nothing, just a bit dizzy..."

"If you're feeling dizzy, maybe you should go home first, besides, he's already awake, right?"


What Tasya said is right, he's already awake, but...

There are still some answers I haven't found, and my fighter's intuition tells me that I'll get those answers if I wait here a bit longer.


The door to where Rasyid was being treated earlier opened, and I saw a man coming out of the room.

If I'm not mistaken, that person is...

Agus Ryan Handoko, a class 1 teacher of Magic 4. I don't know him well, but from how he could enter that room, it means he has a relationship with that person.

The man's pupil glanced at Bahar as if signaling him to inform them immediately.

"Bahar... We should just tell them here, right!" (Ryan)

"Why me-?!" (Bahar's voice interrupted)

"The victims have fallen, there's no good in continuing to hide this!"

Bahar seems cornered and unable to resist the man's words.

What do they really want to tell us?


"What if we share it through the school group chat?" The cowboy-hat-wearing person suggested to the two of them.

"Hmm (nodding)... That seems safer because there are many ears here that we don't know!" The grandmother beside him joined and strengthened the suggestion.

The grandmother's head scanned the hospital corridors to indicate that there were many people who would overhear them if they talking it here.

"Hmm... Alright, this might be the best for us." (Ryan)


The night is getting darker, and the streets seem to be emptying.

"Alright, for the kids... You better go home, you have exams tomorrow, but the exams will be started a few hours after the funeral, understand?" (Bahar)

"We understand..." Stevent replied, adjusting his fogged glasses.

With that, the students walked away from the hospital, bidding us goodbye before leaving.

"And don't forget to inform it to other on the school group chat!" Bahar shouted something he had forgotten.

A nod was seen on the faces of the students who looked small from my perspective.


Suddenly my phone rang, not just mine, but the other phones of the teachers here too.

"Read it!" Bahar said briefly to all of us.

I opened my phone screen and tapped on the message.

Inside was a file containing an explanation of Anitya's weakness.

When I opened it, there were many long and wide writings, but from my ability to summarize the contents of the document, it said.

'Anitya is weak against a perforated body.

And if a perforated body is near the heart, it's better not to attack using lightning or ice magic.'

That's my analysis, but it only makes me more puzzled.

If someone can only die from those two magic elements, then why?

Why can 'he' make people disappear?

I'm even more confused by this mystery, but something crosses my mind.

The face of that grandma, the face of Mayor of the Ningru City, Nova Sana enters my mind.

Rasyid used to work under that person's command, there's clearly something more to him, and that grandma can't have someone with earth and water elements which are weak elements as her minions.

Clearly, something is being hidden.

My eyes gaze at the other grandma, Zarbeth Paniati, if I'm not mistaken... She's an Anitya researcher, and moreover, she can control all 6 elements at once.

Could it be? Could it be that...

If the situation I'm thinking of is correct, then Rasyid is...

He is a demon!


On the other side, outside the hospital.

Stevent called his driver to pick him up with his friends at the hospital.

While waiting, they chatted a bit about what happened.

"It seems like even adults can't solve this problem..." Stevent looked at the dark night sky adorned with shining white lights.

"Hmm (nodding)... There must be something that even adults can't solve!" Dahlia gazed at what Stevent was seeing.

"I'm getting more scared of the realities of the world, but for some reason... I'm also getting more used to it?" Gita looked fearfully at the dark sidewalk.

Even though Gita knows the dark side of the world, he still can't believe in the death that could be caused in the world today.

"I know how it feels to lose a child you raised since childhood, usually the mother would go mad and-... Forget it!" Moka cut off her own sentence, and fell silent, staring at the black sky.

"If it happened to me, I wouldn't mind, but if it happened to my sister, then maybe I would torture whoever dared to do that to her!" Hakam looked at the empty road ahead.

Silence once again haunted those who couldn't comment on what had just happened and what they heard.

It's like a nightmare that might make them wake up soon.

"Oh yeah, by the way, why aren't you with Astra, Dahlia?" Hakam tried to lighten the mood.

"Astra? He has business in the student council, I don't know why... I just feel like he wants to be alone right now." Dahlia said it with a weak and sad tone.

As if the distance between them is growing because Dahlia is dating that person.

'For some reason, I feel like I asked something I should not asked!' Hakam felt guilty for asking her that.

"Can you two not be too serious about it, what we can do now is just leave everything to them!" Moka broke the sad mood.

It's clear from her face that she's forcing herself to smile.

"Moka?" (Stevent)

"Moka..." Gita looked at the sidewalk.

"Moka..." Followed by the others.

They realized, that right now feels like a deep chasm.

There's no one who can save them other than those above.