Episodes 79. Sorrowful Queen of Fighter Pt.1

Above here, I stared silently at the woman.

But suddenly...


A cable suddenly pierced the pillar near the ruins of the building.


"What's that?!" (Erika)

At the end of the cable, there was a person dangling and swiftly zooming towards us.

He seemed to be pointing something that could ram a human body.

'If that's what he's doing, then...!'

Immediately, my eyes turned to the frozen man.


With the speed of the wind, the person carried the frozen man's body and swiftly left us in this electric dome.

But before leaving, he glanced at me with a cynical look. 'Loser, is that all you've got?'

For some reason, that's what I got from reading his cynical gaze.

"Rasyid, Mr. Jainal was taken away!" Erika ran to my side.

"Fuck! It's not end yet?"

I underestimated that person too much, so this happened.

'How foolish of me!' While scratching my head, I regretted my negligence.

But a warm grip touched my shoulder, and as I looked at her face, she gave a warm smile to lighten the mood.

"Relax, you've marked him, haven't you?" (Erika)

I nodded to answer that question.

"Well, it means he can't escape anymore, hehehe!" Her smile widened, and her eyes couldn't even be opened.

What Erika said was true, I could catch him anytime. And if necessary, I could even blow him up until he was shattered like Singh Akash and Garnt Towel did.


Not long after the incident, Erika immediately took me into her car without any hesitation.

"Erika..." I blankly stared at the woman sitting behind the wheel of the car.

"What?" She focused on the road.

"Why are you insisting?"

"Th-there's no particular reason..... I- I just don't want you to suddenly disappear again!"

Ah... She's pulling out that mode...

Yes, the mode I haven't heard in a long time...

'Tsundere Mode!'

"I hope you're not kidnapping me..." I straightened my gaze onto the road.

The sound of this car seems small, but at this speed (heading towards 120 km/h)... I could get traumatized again.


"I didn't expect you to have a car!" I tried to lighten my fear of this speed.

"Huh?! you don't know?! Didn't you see this car on the first day you came?" She grumbled without shifting her gaze.

"I don't remember, I even forgot!"

"You're hopeless, you know..."

"Why, are you angry?!" I teased her slightly. And remember, it is all just to ignore my fear of speed.

"I-It's not like that, fo-fool, I'm just worried you'll become forgetful!"

While grumbling and driving, Erika made a cute and funny pouty face, sometimes things like this are okay to play around with, right?

"Weird... I never said I was forgetful, did I?"

She flinched and blushed. "Huh?! Then?! I-It's nlot blecause of alnything, jlust @#$@#@..." She even misspoke.

I regretted saying that, I should keep my eyes on the road and never hear what's happening right now. 

Woah! The road was so fast! My eyes can even reach what I see.

I am gonna dead!


It only took 20 minutes of driving, and we arrived at an old abandoned factory.

This is... The bread factory at that time?!

What is she going to do in this abandoned building?

I hope it's not something scary and uncomfortable for me.

And upon recollection, Erika doesn't know about me going alone here. I better play dumb for now.

"Why we come here?" I asked pretending to be clueless.

"We're meeting someone here!" She immediately walked into the factory without waiting for me.


I don't understand her intention, but I'll just watch over her.

From what I feel, there's only one person in this factory.

I hope it's not something troublesome.