Episodes 95. A Servant who Take a Lead Pt.1

In front of Tyas Palace gate. We stand, waiting for the signal to start the exam. Right in front of us is a palace that we must conquer. Well, not exactly conquer. We just need to defeat the opposing class leader and win.

To become a commander, huh? I never thought I could. My position as a servant and a worker might hinder me. But because Mr. Rasyid wants it, I'll do my best. He's entrusted me with this, so I won't let him down.

"Commander, what should we do?" Some of my classmates approach me.

"For starters, let's just follow Mr. Rasyid's advice..." I speak softly, my voice trembling.

This is my first time doing this. Being a leader is mentally draining. I thought Stevent took it lightly, but after trying it myself, it's tough.

"Heh, do we really want to follow our teacher's plan?" (Student 1)

"He didn't seem convincing when he explained earlier!" (Girl 1)

"Yeah, his mind seems elsewhere..." (Girl 2)

"Besides, why has his behavior changed since he first arrived? His current attitude seems unreliable." (Girl 1)

"What if we come up with our own plan?" (Student 1)

"Ha, that's a good idea! We're a school that's supposed to think independence!" (Girl 2)

"But, should we just follow? Didn't Mr. Rasyid say, 'This school also evaluates your morality!'? Isn't disobeying him reducing our morality value?" (Girl 1)

"But, what if the teacher's plan makes no sense at all? And what's with 'RAM'? Is it a computer component?! Why doesn't he say something easy to understand?!" (Girl 2)

"Seriously, wouldn't it make more sense if you're the one who doesn't understand what RAM is?" Girl 1 squints at Girl 2 like a fish.

I'm lost in the current commotion and unable to say anything. I feel like a ghost commander, there in form but not in spirit.

No, this can't happen! Those who have never experienced hardship won't understand the importance of following rules and moving without guidance.

I'm sure both Rizal (Boy 1), Manila (Girl 1), and Yama (Girl 2) are just playing with their egos now. The strategies they're coming up with are baseless.

"So, come on, Commander. Let's make our own strategy!" Rizal gives me a condescending look.

Just looking at him talk makes me irritated. Especially after seeing the two girls behind him.

'Typical handsome guy, easily getting the girls!' Wait, my thoughts are wandering. This can't go on. Focus!

"Ahem..." I clear my throat loudly, making the three of them look at me seriously. "If that's the case, do you have a better plan than this, Rizal?" I ask with a low tone.

Seeing me respond with a low gaze, Rizal hesitates, "Oh..." and takes a step back, standing between Manila and Yama.

Hmph, trying to make me jealous, huh?

"We just need to destroy this gate, right? Then let's just burn it!" He says, pointing to the steel wall.

Using fire magic to melt the steel? Is he foolish? Sure, steel can melt, but since the gate is where we got through, that means we'll clearly step on it. The heat will surely hurt our bodies.

"Rejected! Your strategy makes sense, but it will endanger our friends."

"Why?! Isn't that more sensible than using RAM?! Are we in the medieval era for needing that stuff?"

"Think about it! Molten steel needs time to cool down!"

"In that case, why don't we use water magic to cool it down?!" Manila defends Rizal.

Why is this happening? Why do I despise this so much...

"Ugh, so frustrating!" My emotions are unbearable.

Thud Thud Thud!

Venting everything on the innocent ground doesn't yield results either.


A hand touches my shoulder firmly. If I feel it right, it's not just one person holding my shoulder now.

As I turn around, I catch an unusual gaze.

"Moka... Stevent...?" They both look at me with pity.

"Relax, if you can't do it, I, as your friend, will help you!"

"And as the class leader, I'll help too!"

Seeing them, tears well up in my eyes that I've been holding back. I can't bear this mental strain anymore.

Not being able to say anything during a debate is painful indeed. I hate this!

"So, what's our plan?" (Stevent)

"Should we follow their plan?" (Moka)

I release their hands from my shoulder. While looking at them with gratitude, I smile softly at them.

"For now, let's follow their plan. But..." I swallow my words a bit.

There's something I need to suspect.

"But?" (Stevent)

Asking them both might yield some results.

"If we melt that steel, how fast do you think it'll melt?"

I've been confused about this from the start. If the melting process takes too long, then the opponents will gain an advantage. They can still shoot us or pincer us through the melting gate.

"If we add up, the entire Class 1 of Physics 1 only has 8 people with fire elements. Gita is one of them." (Moka)

Unexpectedly few, I didn't expect that.

"What?! Just that many?! Shouldn't there be more fire element users?"

If what Mr. Rasyid said in the lesson was true, then at least 50% of the students in this class have fire elements. But why?

It seems like what he said was not true and he was just acting knowledgeable. Was Rizal right about him just pretending to be smart?

My trust in him decreases because of this.

"What else can we do? We're a prestigious school! That means the students here have better ways of thinking than ordinary students. Although I'm not sure about that..." Stevent's words restore some of my trust.

But his last word stops me and regaining my trust. Not all students here have good ways of thinking. Some of them can step into this school because of money and information power.

"Oh oh oh... Looks like someone's struggling..." Gita comes out of nowhere.

"Gita?" (Moka)

"So, did you hear all our conversations?" (Stevent)

"Yeah, more or less..." (Gita)

This kid is mysterious as usual. From the way he talks, people might think he's easygoing. But once you get to know him, you'll realize he's more than that. Dangerous, that's the only way to describe him.

"What should we do about that gate?" At least asking him might give us some direction.

If he evades it, then fine. He just needs to fight as usual and not obstruct my plan.

Before speaking, Gita tosses his hair up and strikes a cool pose. "You want to destroy that gate, right?"

I don't know what's on his mind. But for now, I'll just go with the flow.

"Hmm..." (nodding)

My nod is followed by the other two.

"If that's what you want, then I'd advise you to follow what the teacher said..." Once again, he says everything with high confidence.

But to my surprise, Gita suddenly suggests following the teacher's advice rather than Rizal's.

"Why do you think that?" Stevent raises his hand and points at Gita.

"Don't you know? Your teacher is an expert, not only in one-on-one fights or fights against many..." Gita's eyes suddenly widen. "... But also in everything related to this!" His voice is like a wrestler who never loses.

Then he returns to his posture and becomes the Gita we know. "I'll help you guys because he forgot his debt!" He smiles, sticking out his tongue.

I'm getting more confused now.