Episodes 97.A Servant who Take a Lead Pt.3

Point of View: Kanda Sophia


The first gate had been opened, and the students under Hakam's command entered and passed through that gate.

"Advance! Don't forget to be careful as you enter!"

The kid gave instructions very well. I didn't expect him to quickly change plans and decide on a plan that was truly effective for the current situation.

I'm extremely jealous of him, he's been given the opportunity to shine and lead this class.

While me...

I'm even forgotten by my classmates. Fortunately, the students under Mr. Rasyid's watch still remember me.

That's enough...

That's enough for me to still be able to live in this school.

"Hey, Sophia!" A voice suddenly brought me back to this battlefield.

As I turned and saw, it was just a four-eyed boy who lived in the luxury of the royal family.


I don't know what my expression is now, but I feel like my voice is very weak and powerless.

"Hurry up! You're leaving behind!"

Upon hearing that statement, my eyes widened, my mouth opened, and I gasped. Instantly, I reflexively looked around and found no one else but me and Stevent here.

"Eh?! O-okay... Let's move...!" I ordered, but I didn't feel like my delivery was right. My voice sounded weak.

With that, Stevent and I walked and entered the gate.

As we passed through, we were immediately greeted with an unexpected battle.


"Feel this!"

"Eat my sword!"

There were about 10 students from the opposing class there, fighting against our class.

Even though their numbers were much smaller, they still managed to keep our class on the suppression.


At that moment, I realized there was an arrow flying towards me, but my spirit and will were too weak. I was too weak to just evade that arrow.



Just as the arrow was about to pierce my head, a sword suddenly cleaved through and stopped the arrow. My incoming elimination was prevented.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?! If you don't have the will to fight, then you better not join this battle!" The boy scolded me.

I didn't get angry at him, that's normal. Especially since I made him my personal guard.


Retreating from the battlefield is not always the path I choose.

Since that incident, I don't want to run away. If I do, I'll be branded as weak, not only by those here but also by those underground.

"Fine, I'll do what I can..."

Maybe this is the beginning where I have to make myself seen. Not for Stevent, Hakam, Moka, or my classmates, let alone for that teacher, this is all for myself.

At that moment, I looked towards my struggling friends.

There were already about 6 students eliminated from our side, but I didn't see a single one from the opposing class eliminated yet.

I felt something bothering my mind, maybe...

Just maybe, remember that!

They're using that trick...

Instantly, I prepared a massive ice spell shaped like a needle upwards.

Not towards the palace balcony or them (our opponents).

But towards the sky!

"What are you going to do, Sophia?!" Stevent shouted at me. He didn't know what I was planning, but he realized I was getting serious.


Point of View: Hakam Surya

The enemy fought fiercely, and one by one my team began to tire and falter.

Their strength even forced me to retreat for a moment.

If I rely on Anitya's power, it takes several minutes to recover.

"Tch, what makes them strong like this?! Even though in terms of numbers, we should be winning!"

There must be something strange, it can't be otherwise.

They fight as if they know each of their opponents.

They fight as if they already know where their opponents are.

They fight... as if they can foresee everything, even the future.

"No, I shouldn't think too much... It's probably just my imagination."

Yes, that's probably it, just my imagination.

With that thought, I advance once again and enter the battlefield. The wounds within me are still not healed, but I just want to make sure of what's happening right now.



I swung my halberd at my opponent who was fighting one of my friends from behind, but it was like he had eyes on his back.

Quickly, even technically. The kid dodged to the side and made my swing miss.

The situation worsened as I failed to stop my attack.


Failing to halt my halberd, I ended up slashing my own team member.



My classmate, who I almost attacked, took a defensive position and deflected my attack.


I couldn't say anything else but that. I had been too careless, almost causing harm to my team.

"Tch, you foolish child! Luckily I acted quickly!"

The voice of reproach?!

I know who owns that voice.

As I glance at her face. She is indeed that person, or more precisely, that girl.


One of the girls with Rizal and Yama, or I could say, she's one of his harem.

Ah, just feeling jealous every time I remember that guy's name.

"Sorry..." (Me)

"Just sorry?! You know we're in the middle of a fight, if you don't respect your team, then you will-" (An arrow embeds into her neck)

The girl instantly faints and is knocked out of the fight.

"Stupid, you're the one doing what you forbid yourself!"

I couldn't help but see the folly of this student, I even half laughed at this absurdity.

But still...

She reduced our class to only 19 students!

How did she do it?!

10 against 19.

Truly troublesome.

I have to think about it, something that might work or be effective for now.

Our team is already overwhelmed just by facing their front line. Not to mention there are still 17 more students inside the castle.

But, suddenly something out of the ordinary happens...


A needle of ice shoots up into the air and hits something above.

It hits something?

Doesn't that mean there's something there?

Wait, if that's the case, then...


A crack appears in the sky.


The crack grows larger and reveals its interior.

There's like a circular room in the air, and there's someone inside.

As the crack gets bigger and bigger.


The person free falls without any safety measures.


Falling from such a height, there's no way they'd survive.

Instantly, the guy is knocked out and eliminated.

Surprised, that's what I feel right now.

My eyes immediately turn to the caster of that ice needle, and I look at her with fear.

Sophia looks at the guy she just knocked out with a confident smirk.

"Your Oracle has lost, now you are nothing but weak students," Sophia says, slowly curling her lips.

The smile is directed at her opponent, but why do I also feel its impact?

Is it because I showed too much mercy to my opponents?


It's because I and the others just saw Sophia in a different light, Sophia who was previously quiet suddenly took part in the battle without being asked.

It instills fear in us, but...

I'm her friend, and also someone who understands that teacher.

I have to trust Sophia!

Slowly I take a deep breath, and then I shout with all my might.


I give the order with a loud voice.

This is a golden opportunity for us.