Episodes 128. Manipulation edges with Lies

The fight between the two of them ended with Widya's victory. Without any resistance at all, Putri Tyas lay weak on the dirty ground of the school ruins. She could no longer lift her hands, and even moving her eyes was looks impossible.

"Look! Someone like you can't even defeat me! I can't be touched! I must remain that way!"

With a grin, Widya raised both hands and screamed loudly as if showing her strength to the world. She had proven that no one could touch her anymore.

"You... You're truly terrifying, aren't you?" I stood behind her, looking at Putri Tyas, who had already collapsed. "Just because you want to be untouchable, you've put yourself in a world of illusions you created yourself."

Upon hearing my words, Widya immediately stopped laughing and turned around. She didn't look shocked or surprised when she saw me suddenly behind her; instead, she seemed even more pleased.

"Finally, you came, Rasyid Londerik! Are you here to revisit your past? Or to visit your beloved big bro? But too bad, it looks like I'm in your way."

"Hmm (nodding), I know... I've been watching... You torture the princess, and also the reason you became like this... Truly a sad fate, isn't."

"As expected from a former assassin, you can even hear what I said to this woman, even from afar..."

Widya immediately prepared herself and activated her Pageblug, which took the form of two long dice. That dice called Pasa.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Pasa is a type of ancient gambling tool used in dice games during the Mahabharata story. This game is famous in the Mahabharata story, especially in the episode where Yudhisthira, one of the Pandavas, bets and loses his kingdom in the dice game. Pasa is usually rectangular in shape and is different from modern dice which are cube shaped.

Seeing her weapon, I concluded she was that person. "Just like the original, dice that determine someone's fate, those dice belong to one of the famous evil characters, Sangkuni."

"Heh, there's no need to hiding it when it's in front of you, because fighting you half-heartedly will clearly lead to defeat... So that's why, I-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Widya threw the two dice(pasa) into the air.


When the dice fell to the ground, they showed the number 12, which meant...


Lightning struck towards me. I quickly tried to dodge using light magic, but since it was thunder magic, I got slightly affected by spark despite managing to avoid it.

If I had been hit, the effect would have been more terrifying.

But, seriously~ this woman is crazier than Haran. She doesn't show any sign of satisfaction just by defeating one opponent.

If this is the case, then I must end it.

My lips moved slightly to activate CODE magic. She might know about this magic, but if I use it secretly, it might work.



Just before I could finish my sentence, Widya shouted as if giving a signal.

Don't tell me those people belong to Widya?!

Damn, I miscalculated! I thought she was under the princess's command.

A group of people jumped into the dusky sky, which had turned orange, suddenly turning black because of the people jumping. They all gathered and swarmed as if they wanted to crush and hit me with great force.

"What are you trying to do, Widya?!"

"I don't know, just watch~!"

Those people plunged and activated their various magics.

Water, ice, fire, earth, wind, electricity, darkness, and light, all magic combined into one and prepared to hit one point, which was me.

Is Widya that scared of me?

But still, "this is not enough to kill me!"

I combined ice and lightning magic into one. The magic fused into a giant ball. When I considered it big enough, I shot it at the army.

"Yes, that's it! Show how you kill in times like this! Practice how you usually make families lose their loved ones! Show how you usually make people fear you, Cike Nuwang!"

Shouting after shouting, she urged me to recall my dark past. The times when I still didn't know the beauty of the world, also the times when I still had no life purpose.

But now is different, I have my own path. Those times have passed, and now it is not something I should think about anymore.

No matter how dark it was, no matter how shallow I was at that time. Whatever it is, I just have to score goals!

*Boom! *Crack!

Body parts fell scattered, creating a scarlet rain around me. It's like repeating what I have done.

After all, this often happened.

Just like during the kidnapping at the bread factory. I just repeated the same incident, but that doesn't mean all my progress is lost. My progress, it's all stored within me. Nothing can change it, even if I do the same thing.

My body turned red, my eyes covered in thick red liquid.

When the liquid disappeared from my sight, I glared at Widya. "I accept your challenge, Widya!"

Widya smiled broadly and seemed satisfied with my answer.

Without responding to my words, Widya threw her dice(pasa) into the air again while approaching me.


The dice fell to the ground and showed the number 12 again.

Just like before, after the dice showed that number, a magic immediately activated.

What magic will she release now?!

I tried to dodge, but due to the paralyzing effect of the previous lightning, I was in a difficult state to move.

I had to do something!

Not because she is strong, but because she clearly knows how to kill someone.

If she is Sangkuni, then she is also the one who advised those businessmen to kidnap Putri Tyas to obtain the five-colored agate.

Wait, doesn't that mean she already has it?!

While thinking about it, Widya took out a knife from her clothes and was ready to stab me.

I tried to dodge, but the electric shock still felt in my body, and yet her magic was about to follow.


Black smoke filled my vision and also slowed anyone who was there except the owner.

"You're quite clever!" I praised her.


The knife made of precious stone hit solid cold liquid.

Although I slowed down a bit, parrying an attack is easy.

"Do you think cheap magic and weapons can stop me?"

"Of course not..." Her answer raised full confusion and also a warning. "...But that doesn't mean you are immortal!"

Widya immediately kicked my knee, making me kneel.

Not wanting to miss the golden opportunity, she used the moment to lift me and slam me to the ground.

Wow, she is strong?!

I praised her for being able to lift my body.

When I was already lying on the ground, she tried to stab me with the knife again.

But quickly, I rolled and avoided death once more.


Widya threw her dice once again.

This time showing the numbers 3 and 3.

A black fire resembling a shuriken came out from behind her and directly shot towards me.

So fast?!

Seeing that magic, I immediately recalled my fight against Lodo back then.

Is she going to do the same thing?

For the first time in this battle, I finally activated my Pageblug and entered serious mode.

Using CODE magic when the opponent is aggressive does not work, so I just have to finish her with my strength.

I lifted my sword up and focused my water magic on the entire iron part of the sword.

When the power was full, I slashed it, creating a water wave that could cut steel in two.

"Hih..." Widya's smile showed something else.

She approached me slowly, stepping like taunting 'come at me!'.


The water wave hit Widya, making the surroundings blurry because of the splashing water.

When my sight returned, I saw a pair of dice(pasa) showing the numbers 1 and 1.

What does that number mean?!

Where did Widya go?!

She couldn't possibly run away, she clearly was ready to face me with a well-prepared plan.

I tried to detect her presence, but all I sensed was Tyas, who was unconscious.


While looking right and left, I searched for the presence that didn't show itself.


Something in my head immediately came to mind. Before his(historical Sangkuni) death, Sangkuni tried to hide behind the corpses, and the answer to knowing where he was is the dice itself.

Immediately, I shot ice bullets from my hand. The bullet shattered the dice lying untended until they became four pieces.

"Is this over?"

This is too easy to be true.

*Tap! *Tap! *Tap!

I tried to walk slowly towards the dice fragments.

With tension accompanying every move, I dared to touch it.

Is this one of your games, Widya?


When I touched the dice pieces, my consciousness seemed to be pulled by it.



"Why me?!"

"It's not time yet!"

"I have something to finish before my time comes!"

The dice made me see many things, especially that woman's sadness.

Was that...

Was that really Widya's voice?

While thinking about that, I immediately turned to Putri Tyas, who was lying down.

When my eyes looked there, a face that seemed to have been waiting for the opportunity appeared, running towards me.

Widya, wearing the princess's clothes, tried to stab me with her knife.

Don't tell me the dice contained Putri Tyas's soul?!

How terrifying is she to be able to do that?!

While feeling fear throughout my body, I watched Widya rush towards me like lightning and about to stab me.

Is this the end for me?

I slowly closed my eyes; for me to score goals is a must. But, if I have to end before doing so, I will consider this as my punishment.


The sound of a gunshot immediately startled me, opening my eyes wide.

When I looked, Widya, who wanted to stab me earlier, was already lying on the ground.

She died with a five-colored gemstone bullet lodged in her head.

"Who?!" I was immediately shocked and looked towards the gate.

When I turned my head, I saw a dark-skinned man dressed in all white with a cowboy hat and sunglasses pointing an M4A1 assault rifle at me.

Beside him, there was someone I recognized but didn't quite remember. The only thing that become obvious was a scar in his face. If I recall correctly, he is the one who married Erika's mother.

"Yo, Rasyid~ Fancy to meet you here." Tesi greeted me with a broad smile, but I could feel a cold aura behind the smile.

"Finally, we can talk, Rasyid Londerik." The cowboy-hatted man, if I'm not mistaken, his name is Widodo Surya. He greeted me and seemed to have many questions about this.

He has that bullet?!

It seems that all I can do is comply with what he asks.

Damn, once one problem is solved, a new one appears!