Episodes 141.Family


The rumbling thunder struck the rooftop of the abandoned building. The lightning summoned by Rizki kept striking the floors where I stood.

I tried to dodge and evade, but I soon realized that my opponent was him.

This won't end if I keep avoiding; I have to strike back.

Quickly, I snapped my fingers and created several giant earth needles.

I hurled the needles at him with wind magic, making them fly erratically toward him.

*Crash! *Bang! *Bang!

The rocks hit the floor, creating a hole where my brother stood.

Unfortunately, with his light magic, he managed to dodge my attack without even showing any sign of movement, as if he had just teleported.

Despite carrying a heavy coffin, he seemed to have no trouble dodging the attack.

Seeing me thinking, my brother raised his hand to his chest and moved his index finger up and down

Is he taunting me?

He appeared to be taunting me, but I didn't sense that he was doing so. Usually, his sinister smile accompanied his attempts to provoke me.

This time, everything seemed to say...

'Is********** this******** all you've got**********?'

Though silent, the insult still echoed in my head.

Wait? I knew this sound! This is just rumored ghost what they talk about. He just controlled it to say it through Anitya.

Fuck his little trick! Do better brother!

Tch, what's his deal?!


I immediately changed my strategy, replacing it with CODE magic.

Utilizing the artificial spirits scattered around the school, I plant a new command to them to attack my opponent.

It didn't take long for hundreds of white lights to swirl around my brother, who was carrying the coffin.

But nothing went as I intended. Despite being surrounded, he showed no fear at all. He didn't even seem scratched.

I felt a bad premonition coming.

Rizki suddenly lowered his head, closing his eyes slowly, followed by a faint sigh on his face.

'I was expecting something special from you. But this is all?'

Again, without a voice, I could hear him say that just by looking at his expression. An expression that looks down on their opponent.

He suddenly lifted the coffin with both hands above his head.

Stepping back, he took a stance and then...

*Tap! *Tap! *Tap!

He ran like a javelin thrower and threw the coffin toward me.

No way! Is he gonna do it?!

The command I gave to the spirits was to attack those who touched the coffin, and if the person touching the coffin was changed, they would attack indiscriminately, even if it was their caster.


The coffin landed near me, and immediately made contact with my body, the spirits that surrounded my brother moved in a different direction, all heading toward me.


I had to stop the magic I created myself.

How embarrassing.

I tried to catch my breath, shocked by the counterattack, panting so much that I didn't realize he had disappeared from in front of me.

Gone?! You really love hide-and-seek, brother(grin)! But I am not following it!

At that moment, I cast darkness magic, spewing it around my standing area.

He should be at normal speed now.

Once I put everything back to normal, I could sense footsteps behind me.

Thus, I immediately turned and created a shield of ice.


A powerful punch aimed at my head failed to land. The ice wall I used to shield myself shattered from his punch.

No doubt, if that punch had hit my head, I might have had to fight headless for a while.

Without giving much time and in just an instant, he unleashed several follow-up punches to hit my head.

I tried to block and dodge some of his attacks while slowly stepping back.

Now it's hand-to-hand combat, huh? And moreover, he's only targeting my head.

This is too easy for me; as long as my opponent isn't using sharp weapons, this isn't a problem.

However, this kind of thing would be strange if done by my brother.


Suddenly, I realized, and upon seeing his foot suddenly lift. He tried to sneak his leg to hit mine while I was busy with his hands.

I jumped high into the air.

An opportunity for a plunging attack has arrived. I activated my weapon once again and tried to stab the floor with it.


A wave of flames spread around where my sword struck, burning anyone nearby.

But the result was the same.

I frowned at my opponent, he was like something I had never faced. As if the training fight before was just fiction from him, his fighting style didn't even remind me of him.

Is this what they call development?

He suddenly swung his hand, creating a wave of fire and wind simultaneously. The fire wave formed into a phoenix flying toward me.

The bird was too wide to dodge and too hot to withstand. Ice elements would melt immediately, and earth elements would harden if exposed too long.

But better to be hot than roasted!

I slammed the floor, creating a shield made of a combination of ice and earth magic.

Though ice is weak against fire, when combined with earth, the two magics are like a solid steel wall.


The firebird and the wall collided, showing which was stronger.


The wall showed signs of breaking.

Is that chicken really that strong?!

I didn't expect his attack to be this powerful.

The wall kept shrinking, leaving me no choice but to think of another plan.

Jumping up? No, I'd become an easy target.

Is this what they call despair in battle?

It's terrifying when you're desperate and can't do anything while panic attacks you.

The wall shattered, but I wasn't ready to give up.

I've come this far on a long journey; I won't lose at the final point.

Once again, I created a wall with ice and earth magic, and once again, the wall shattered.

Huh?! The bird gets stronger?!

Seeing the bird strengthen every time it consumed weaker magic, I suddenly remembered.

Foolish! Why did I just remember it!

Once more, I created an earth wall, this time not accompanied by ice magic but water magic.

A wall of mud should withstand any fire attack.

I didn't think to use water magic because the water I used might just evaporate without slowing down the bird's pace.

*Boom! *Whoosh! *Crash!

The Phoenix bird hit the water wall I created, shattering itself because it couldn't fly past the obstacle in front of it.

"Hah... Hah... Hah..." My breath started to pant, and I began to feel exhausted. Anitya in my body started to tremble to give signs of too much power used.

On the other hand, my brother seemed to tremble, his previously raised hand couldn't stay still and kept glaring at me, exhausted.

"Terrifying!" Without changing his expression, he said that.

"What do you mean?"

What is wrong with him?

I don't know, but one thing is certain: the fight won't end anytime soon.