Episodes 168. Prince Fear

Haran turned towards me and stood on my tortoise. She stared in satisfaction and grinned when she saw the tortoise I had summoned.

"So this is it, huh? The troublemaker that caused chaos at school that time," she said, scratching the tortoise's shell with her foot.

She looked like a rookie detective who had solved her first case. Her delight was unparalleled.

Seeing Haran's behavior, I could only remain silent for now. A wrong move could lead to my death. My paranoia made me even more cautious about taking rash actions.

"Haran, what are you doing here?" I asked, looking up.

Damn, I could only see her head from here.

Her expression immediately changed; she frowned and narrowed her eyes as if reading every nuance of my face.

Is she a psychiatrist or something?


But as Haran was about to open her mouth, an ice blast shot towards her, trying to freeze her alive.

The mist from the ice obscured Haran from my view.

"Don't talk too much during a fight!"

Nova yelled, then flew towards Haran, who might already be frozen. She tried to kill Haran by exploiting the flaw in Anitya.

Her fists clenched with fiery intensity, and her wings flapped wildly, causing random elemental attacks that could harm anyone nearby indiscriminately.

*Wham! *Wham! Wham!

Taking shelter behind the tortoise's shell was indeed the right choice at this moment. I could be destroyed if I knew she suddenly had such attacks.


Nova's fist tried to crush Haran, who might be frozen.


But something unexpected happened; Haran caught Nova's fist like a baseball.

"What?! How is that possible?!"

Haran just sneered when she heard that statement. She seemed to hear something amusing enter her ears.

"Did you forget that my element is fire?!"

From that explanation, I could conclude that Haran blocked the ice blast just in time by activating her fire power.

So, Nova had ignored all the information about her opponent, thinking she was the strongest.


I felt something was wrong. I looked at my earth tortoise's shell and found some damage caused by the water from the collision of fire and ice.

"Damn!" I immediately jumped and dodged.

My tortoise shattered like a sandcastle at the beach.

Haran and Nova, who were on the tortoise, flew up and continued their fight in the air.

"Nova! It seems you are the one I must eliminate first!"

With her power channeled into her Hover Shoes, Haran prepared for a super kick.

"I don't know what is your business here! But you're a nuisance!"

Nova created a long-handled hammer from earth and ice. She held it back to charge it with all the power in her wings.

From Haran's earlier words, I concluded that Haran wanted both of us dead. The situation was getting more complicated.

Their fight was like two very strong women fighting over something.

Both energies were fully charged; the two women attacked each other with full force simultaneously.

Haran's kick, filled with wind power, collided with Nova's multi-element hammer strike.

Neither side had the upper hand; they were evenly matched.

Haran's wind element made her kick adaptable to all types of attacks Nova released.

The color of the kick changed from red, dark blue, light blue, brown, purple, yellow, to dark like RGB (blinking lights).

Meanwhile, Nova's hammer strike was held back, trying its best to destroy the wind power blocking it.

The elemental magic enveloping the hammer gradually shrank and weakened as Haran's wind power deflected and absorbed it.

But still, a Prince(Goddess) was not easily defeated.

Nova immediately spread her wings and created a massive gust with a single flap.

Haran immediately became unstable in the air. She lost control of her hover shoes and would fall disastrously if she didn't regain her position.

Seeing Haran in an unstable condition, Nova grinned and didn't want to waste this opportunity.

Her eight wings spread wide and sharpened, and she flew towards the unbalanced Haran.

She tried to slice the woman into pieces.

Haran, unaware of the incoming attack, could only accept the terrible blow.

Nova spun around to slash Haran's body into small parts.

Is this the end of Honey Haran?

When Anitya's core was visible, Nova immediately raised her right hand to her chest and tried to unleash ice magic directly at it(Haran's Anitya).

"Gkhhh?!" However, when she tried to do that, nothing happened.

Haran's body was still regenerating, continually healing.

While Haran's body was only 25% regenerated, showing only her right hand and one finger of her left hand, Haran activated her pageblug and summoned a bow in her hand.

Nova noticed something different about the arrow on the bow. The thing appeared five-colored agate.

Nova quickly realized her opponent's plan. She immediately placed both hands behind her waist. Floating in the air, Nova stared disdainfully at the woman's tactic.

"From your expression, you seem to think this won't work on you, right?" Haran said curtly, smiling like a maniac. "Seems like you forgot? I came here fully prepared!"

Nova's eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. She realized that the arrow made of five-colored agate had been modified to Haran's specifications.

If Haran managed to defy the power of CODE Magic, then modifying something like this wasn't difficult for her.

Nova immediately shielded herself, using her eight wings as a barrier.

"Goodbye, Nova!"

The arrow was released from the bow, flying towards the creature covered by the wings.



But something deflected the flying arrow, slamming it aside.

Both Nova and Haran were shocked by the incident; right in front of them were two creatures staring at them.

The ice phoenix stared coldly at Haran. The lightning dragon glared furiously at Nova.


On the other side... Moments after Nova and Haran flew off and ignored my presence.

By the way... Here I stood, looking up and watching their fight like an idiot.

Did they forget I was here?

I wasn't thinking of anything strange, btw.

Just run...

I took a few steps back.

When I was in a position I deemed right, I tried to stay still and slammed my chest, opening it hard.

I touched the coffin and poured a considerable amount of energy into it. I continuously supplied it with my ice and lightning elements.

I hoped they wouldn't immediately realize what I was doing.

These two beings might not seem effective, but if the opponent was 'busy with themselves,' then I might have a chance to take them out at once.

Charging the energy took about 5 minutes, a seemingly short time but would feel very long in a situation like this.

The lightning dragon shot out of the coffin into the air, followed by the ice phoenix trying to merge with the dragon's lightning power.


But it seemed all my plans failed. The dragon and phoenix I summoned only managed to deflect the arrow Haran had shot.


Both Haran, who was in a happy position, and Nova, who was at a disadvantage, stared at me in shock.

Now they might target me too.