
William couldn't stand the guesswork and confident words that came out of Drake's mouth—thinking that Marion was his dead lover. William did know if his feelings can be described as jealousy, or if his intuition is speaking right now—telling him that his love fate, maybe even his fate is in danger. For sure, William didn't like that.

He clenched his fists and handed them to Drake, which the man quickly managed to dodge right into the tree behind his back, while Drake had already freed himself from William's grip.

Drake moved away from the lycan who was burning with anger, either because he felt that what belonged to him was being stalked by another creature, or simply because he was annoyed with Drake for what he said about Marion.

"Next time you need to be able to control your temper, Will! That will be very dangerous for you and your soul mate," said Drake, in a tone of ridicule.