The Thrill Between Life and Death

"Don't talk nonsense, Marion. It wouldn't be good if I sucked your blood. All you'll feel is a sensation like you're going to die, but nothing can save you."

"You're going to save me, right? You're going to stop smoking it when I say stop."

"Marion, I-I..." Drake couldn't agree, of course. What if he loses control and can't stop?

Drake shook his head, astonished by the completely unreadable contents of Marion's head. So now he knew what was inside the girl's skull. Thoughts he had never heard came out of the mouth of any human.

They would be frightened every time they saw the appearance of the immortals, not even challenging as Marion had just done.

What if Drake was tempted and sucked Marion's blood out? Marion wasn't going to turn out to be like her but instead die, and Drake didn't want that to happen.