After Chaos (2)

Drake, William, Jeremiah, and Marion looked at each other in turn, wondering if any of them had been targeted by the silver bullets. No one showed any signs of injury, until Jeremiah smiled and collapsed.

"DAD!" screamed Marion, who then forced her body to move closer to her father, while Greg and the rest of the herd were lucky enough to get a chance to escape.

Off guard, let's put it that way.

However, both William and Drake no longer cared where the bastard went, as their attention was now only on Jeremiah who was probably dying.

The bullet had lodged in the right side of his abdomen, and was beginning to show its effects. A thick red liquid began to seep from the wound, soaking his clothes and running down the stucco floor.

Marion's body collapsed, right next to her father. Lamenting her helplessness, Marion sobbed and kept muttering her father's name.