Senior POV
I was about halfway through sorting my shit when Kylie walks into the room, "Hurry up, man! We gotta go in an hour!" She yells, getting on the floor to help me get my bags packed up quicker, and man, can she organize quick!
Now I'm not gonna discredit her for helping me so much, but I kinda wished she knew how I wanted my stuff to be organized, however once more, not to discredit her, she was doing a damn good job considering she wasn't well... me.
I guess that kinda makes me a Control Freak, right?
Anyways, about 20 minutes before the drones were scheduled to take us away, Kylie did her signature move of tossing my carefully packed bags out of the window into what I hope was a cushioned landing zone... I hope my computer and all my sensitive machines are fine...
When everything was put away, we go to the bottom of the building. Somehow unmolested and I find a luxury Autocab waiting for us, with a bunch of people gawking at it, probably since it's been the first time many have seen a car like this in this area, or a car at all since nowadays considering most transportation are now hovercrafts if you can afford it, or the public trains if can't.
The invention of the Car was an obsolete machine of a bygone age, so seeing one was only seen on the occasion of old rich people wanting to go on the avenue of sentimentality, and they sure as hell don't drive around here a lot.
Anyways, as we start driving away from my home, I realize I didn't tell anyone, we just had a Council meeting, so maybe I could call that a Goodbye Party? I doubt it, but at least Liz probably won't know where I've went, and would soon stop harassing me.
Inside the cab it had a sleek black environment, probably made of a luxurious material like synthetic leather. I lay my arm against a laminated mahogany and look out the window.
Gray and broken suburbs as far as the eye can see, and idle people, gazing at us as we pass, probably in envy, but there's no way of telling, they're too far.
Kylie looks at me and tries to strike up a conversation.
"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in suburbs or in a house that was so huge that you could play baseball in it?" She asked.
"I've actually thought about it quite a bit, and I think that a building like that would be too much space for me, even though I would still love to have it. Also, won't we be having like a decently sized island to live on? With a few people?" I end up asking.
"Yeah, we'll be living with 3 other 'families', according to my research, that'll be about 9 other people, 2 guys and 7 women," She pauses, trying to find out how large the island is.
"Eh? Why is there such a difference? That's like 3 girls a guy!" I exclaim.
"Also, the island is approximately a mile across by a mile across," She continues, "That's cause those women are trophy wives, and those men are nearly trillionaires, so they can do whatever they want, whether it's bribing the pope to announce polygamy is fine, or if they want to do something else."
I chuckle a little at her pope joke, before realizing that I have Christian audiences who might not like this, and then I laugh even harder.
We continue to chat before we reach our first stop.
Well I guess we stopped frequently by police, curious on why such a good looking car was in their parts and didn't have a miniature army along with it, and honestly, it's the first time I've seen any real cops in person since I've arrived at my apartment all the way back.
Anyways, as I was saying, our first stop was a train station, now this was something unique about it, normally trains hover, but due to the construction of the building, and the materials used, there is a no fly zone, or no anything zone, anything near it is simply killed, so we must go into a special tunnel, underground, to reach it.
When we enter we were told to stop several times by heavily armed guards, in riot gear, I wonder how they dress when there's really a lock down...
Every single time we had to stop the reason was that our clothes looked too cheap, which they were, to be able to have passes to use train, and every time we showed our passes to them.
Not that I minded, Kylie did most of the negotiation, or whatever we needed to do, I was busy looking around building, it kinda looked like a futuristic London train station.
So in other words, I was being the little kid and Mama Kylie was guiding us to our Space Launcher terminal, so we could access the Low Orbit ships that I so desperately wanted to ride.
Eventually, we got to the terminal, and by some miracle, we had roughly 15 minutes to spare before it was out turn to be elevated to space before being shot out, like a person vomiting I guess, or maybe more appropriately, a bullet being fired out of a gun.
Anyways, I told Kylie to wait for me at the terminal, I wanted to get a souvenir, which ended up being a bottle of local liquor, distilled in someones basement near my former apartment.
When I return, Kylie promptly brings us to the boarding station and we get onto the plane, without being stopped like... 20 times.