Chapter 45:Overseeing The Army Training and Meeting The Merchants

The training grounds, which seemed deserted a month ago, were now brimming with hot-blooded youths and some middle age men who were full of spirits and each of them had a fiery gaze.

Various people were practising in the field and all of them had been divided into groups according to the weapons.

Archers, Swordsman, Spearman, Defenders. 

And many recruits have joined the army recently and were going through basic training guided by Mordek.

All of them followed a strict training regime set By Alex.

While archers were practising with the shooting targets, swordsmen were practising with swords. 

While Spearman and defenders were practising together.

While spearmen were thrusting their spears, the defenders used the wooden shields to block their attack.

While they were busy in training, Alex entered the training field and everyone stopped their practice and gave him a slight now.

Alex looked at the soldiers and was quite satisfied with their improvements.