Chapter 47:Blades OF The Continent And The Archmages

Alex tore the paper and threw it in the trash can.

Just seeing the paper pissed him off. On the paper was the breathing technique used by soldiers of Nevan.

It was so useless that it was just a breathing technique that would only help to exhale and inhale.

The efficiency is the worst of all. There is hardly any mana retained if this technique is used.

That's why all the soldiers of Nevan were useless and are muscle heads since they can't use mana efficiently they just used physical strength.

There are two types of mana users.

One of them is a warrior.

Warriors are aura masters who assimilate mana in their body, strengthening the body with the flow of mana and after getting used to mana, able to focus mana on a particular spot to form an aura.

Another type is a mage. 

They used the mana by forming circles to store their mana which they used while casting spells. 

The spells used by mages are divided into circles or tiers.