Chapter 86:Elder Of The Wolf Tribe

Alex blinked a couple of times and slowly opened his eyes.

He felt as if he had been in eternal slumber for an unknown amount of time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, sharp rays of the sun fell on his eyes making his vision blind for a moment.

He raised his hand to cover the vision and got up from the place where he lay only to find that he was on a bed made of wood and palm leaves were used as mattresses.

He looked up at the ceiling to see a thatched hut made of straw with small rifts in it.

"Where am I?" Alex muttered as he got up and stretched his back lazily taking a small yawn.

He was not in a panic as he could see that he might be in some sort of village while his soldiers might be on standby somewhere.

While walking toward the small wooden doors, he heard loud shouts and giggling of children.

Opening the door, he was taken aback for a moment.