Chapter 141:The Devil's Eye

Many may not know but the world surrounded by people is just a part of the vast plane and just like it, there exist two more planes and the world of Everton was divided into three planes.

The lower plane was known as hell or the nether world ruled by the devil who guarded the souls of the deceased to see who should be sent to the cycle of reincarnation for the next life.

He was like a security guard whose job was to check the souls.

The evil souls are trapped in hell to repent whereas the good souls are rewarded and blessed with another life.

These souls were sent to the highest plane where Gods exist.

After passing a bit of time there, they were finally sent to their next life through a cycle of reincarnation and left the world of Everton.

Inside a vast plain that existed independent of the world where mortals live.

A place where those who gave gardens of perpetual residence beneath which river of blessings flows.