Chapter 151:Invoking Fear

High above one's head under the bright moonlit, a bright red banner waved in the wind taunting the enemies.

There was barely any cavalry left alive, most of them had been killed and trampled along with their rider.

The battle was going on without any break and both sides were over each other's necks trying to crush one another brutally without any shred of mercy.

What seemed to be like a hundred narrow spears shot through the air ultimately landing on the hearts of the men.

Spears and arrows were being shot from both sides which whistled in the air before taking the lives of the soldiers.

The battle didn't stop even at night as the conjoint forces of Nevan and Wright pushed forward without any care.

Amidon had long since taken a defensive stance trying to outlast its enemies and pin them here and not let them break into Amidon.