Chapter 172:King Of Nevan Is A Heretic?

Currently in the capital of Nevan.

A huge mass of people had gathered in the open streets and before them, there was a wooden platform on which men dressed in white cloth stood, and behind them was a line of paladins and infantry.

They were priests who had gathered the crowd in the King's absence. There wasn't any hint of mercy that a holy priest should have rather there was an indifferent and cold expression on his face.

Barry, the head priest who used to be a priest in the Church of Nevan left it after its downfall.

When everyone wondered where he had gone, this guy suddenly appeared with a group of dogs.

He looked more like a threatening bandit than a priest.

He glanced at the people kneeling before the platform and spoke with a calm tone"Citizens of Nevan we have received a report about the King of Nevan."