Chapter 212:Bandit Mode on

With Riya's and Alex troop's help, the monsters were taken down easily.

Riya killed the panther as if it was just a kitten startling everyone and many fell onto their knees and thanked him while King Brian offered several treasures to Leonhart and all the diplomacy was handled by Catherine.

Meanwhile, Alex who had disappeared just sent a message that he had taken care of the other hand but requested not to make it public for now.

King Brian wanted to treat Alex and others but he refused and said they will visit Bright to have a friendly chat at another time.


"Alex what did you do with Edward?"

"Did you kill him?"

Alex, who was resting his chin on his palms, heard Catherine's question, and stared at her giving a playful smile, "That's secret."

"You don't need to worry about him anymore."

"What about the experiment labs and those monsters and beasts," Christina asked.

"Big Brother, did you all kill them?"