Chapter 231:How Dare You Block My Way?

Flying over the place, Alex reached Lock's City within two hours.

Alex hovered before the city, almost closing his eyes after seeing it. The City seemed to be sparkling with riches.

Alex was sure that if he could see through one's fortune and luck like Yvonne, he would be blinded looking down from here.

Everyone seemed to be quite rich. Even a random passerby may turn out to be the owner of a thousand gold coins.

"Now, whom shall I choose first?" Alex wondered.

"Let's look for Athena," Alex muttered.

Between Lock City and Holy City lies the City of Chesla.

Along with Zenith, all four cities were the pillar supporting Kinley.

Chesla is the place where many military academies were present and with Holy City closed by, the Priest could provide immediate support to the wounded.