Chapter 246:Some People Don't Know To Lay Low

Angus, who was running crazily, suddenly saw a big shadow cast all over the place.

At first, he didn't mind it but in a span of a moment, he saw the shadow shrinking back quickly and his eyeball enlarged.

He looked up while speeding up but it was already too late for him to escape.

A ball of fire descended and a loud voice was heard.

"Meteorite Smash!"


The sole of a foot stuck his head and his figure was slammed onto the ground heavily with a loud thump.

The ground rumbled and started to crack due to the minute explosion.

Dust and debris were swept away and a crater was formed as the cloud of smoke disappeared, Alex's figure appeared and he stood on top of Angus while holding Christina in her arms.

"Why do I feel that the name of the move doesn't match the action?" Christina muttered.