Chapter 251:Enrollment Letter

Zenith wasn't peaceful due to recent events.

Alex had just entered Zenith and a storm had already been set in motion.

And the person who was in the middle of the storm was trying his best to keep calm.

He was called for the coronation ceremony but instead of being crowned he was going to be thrown into the academy and that means he cannot leave the capital and this matter had already brought him headaches.

And it also delayed his meeting with Yvonne's parents. Now, he was ashamed to face them.

"The way things developed is quite bizarre, I almost imagined you coming with wounds or an arm missing."

"But thank god, you came out safely from the den."Athena teased Alex.

Alex laughed bitterly hearing Athena's words.

"I don't know why I have an inkling that the thing was going to turn like this in the end."

"Perhaps, The Emperor wanted to enrol you in the academy from the beginning," Catherine said.