Chapter 294:Assassination

Recalling the path, Alex's figure could be seen moving through the dense trees of the forest.

Alex was now moving towards the open land in between the forest which was an important spot.

There were three important places. A place where slaves were present, another the temple where offerings were submitted and last was this to where he was currently moving.

In between the forest, a place had been cleared while many engravings were carved out on the soil.

Seeing the place, Alex breathed in relief as it indicated that he was quite close to the place where the temple was present which means he had already made his way to the middle of the world after covering a huge distance filled with blood and corpses.

The runes were drawn in a circle along with many flag-like formations. It was one of the important spots where the part of sacrifice's divinity is transferred which radiates through the whole world to maintain the functioning of the world