Chapter 335:Yvonne's Worries

Tap! Tap! Tap!

In the room laden with all sorts of comforts, Yvonne walked around to and fro while gritting her teeth.

Even though the room was filled with riches from corner to corner, it was not enough for her to calm down.

The recent events had caused chaos all around leaving behind nothing but devastation all around.

Huge hectares of land had been ruined, lives were lost and the number crossed millions.

And out of all this, even Lockhart merchant ground also suffered heavily.

Many personnel working for them were killed, and the trade and transport to the affected Kingdoms were stopped despite that she wasn't as affected as the news of Leonheart being attacked.

She didn't know what had transpired in Leonhart.

She only knew the results but not the details. She knew that Leonheart had won before anyone and her worry should be stopped but a blue flying pigeon disrupted her normal life.