Chapter 357:Prelude Of War 3

The First Defence line was unable to defend against the enemy's onslaught and was completely crushed and taken over within two hours of the attack.

They were unable to defend against the wave of enemies and the flag of Arkham was already fluttering on the fort.

The Seven Defense Lines stood side by side covering the entire border.

The distance between each line varied from 100-400 Km.

First, the Sixth and Seventh defence line was attacked at the same time.

The seventh and Sixth were able to hold on while the first one fell easily.

The Commander attacking the First Defense line became overconfident due to taking over the place with minimal loss. So, he took another step forward and went on to attack the Second Defence line and tried to wind up things quickly. 

Since the signal had been jammed, the Defense line was attacked and others weren't able to send the signal due to the mana signal jammer device.